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I sat on my couch scrolling through Instagram. I saw the post that celebgossip posted and I really wished that Nolan didn't post it.

It was over the weekend when we drove to Palm Springs for the weekend.

"Damn, your ass looks nice." Drew commented 

I rolled my eyes, "I don't like the picture though. I had a little too much to drink and so did he."

"His Instagram feed is literally all you and you haven't posted one picture with him." Drew pointed out

"Are you going back home for Thanksgiving?" She asked me

I shook my head, "I'm going with Nolan to New York. You know, thanksgiving parade. What time does your flight leave tomorrow?"

"Eight in the morning." Drew answered

"Grier, what are you doing?" Drew asked me

I looked at her, "What?"

"You haven't been home in such a long time." She started

"I'm going back for my birthday and Christmas so don't worry. I just don't want to be bombarded with questions on why I'm with him and stuff." I explained

Drew looked at me, "Answer this question seriously, do you ever see yourself bringing Nolan home to your Mom and Dad."

I shrugged, "They love Everett. He still goes over for dinner and -"

"Minus Everett, just in general." She cut me off

"I don't know, it's still new." I answered

Drew sighed, "We're both not stupid Grier. Let's be honest here."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm going to go pack for New York."

I knew what she was trying to say. Even I knew deep down that she was right, but I didn't want to admit it to myself.

The day before Thanksgiving, I flew out to New York with Nolan. We were staying in a hotel that the parade passed right by.

"Alright southern girl, let's go see the city." Nolan started

We were going out to dinner and then walk around.

Nolan and I went to a sweet Italian restaurant that was so cute on the inside. The food was great and we took a picture that I was going to post on Instagram, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

I just couldn't.

Not with all of the memories of Ev and I.

We walked through Times Square, which was entertaining to say the least.

It started by just going to the Hershey's store, then people started spotting us and I guess the word spread that were out and about.

So we took a taxi back to the hotel and laid low for the rest of the night.

"Where do your parents live?" I asked Nolan

"On the upper east side, but they're in Paris right now. They love to travel." He informed me as he sat down next to me on the couch

I nodded, "Paris is beautiful."

"Mhm, just like the girl in front of me." Nolan smirked

I grinned, "Stop."

He shook his head as he grabbed my cheeks and began to kiss me.

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