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I walked into my bedroom with a package in hand.

"What's that?" Everett asked me as he sat on my bed

I sat down next to him, "I have no idea, it's from Holland."

I opened up the package and pulled the Gucci belt out of the box.

"Random gift, did she forget your birthday isn't for another few months?" Everett asked me

I opened the cards that read 'Holy Guacamole You're Engaged' .
Dear Grier,
Congratulations big sis! I'm so so so happy for you and Ev. As I promised, here's the belt.
Love, Holland

I let out a laugh.

"When we were younger she told me that when we got engaged she would get me a Gucci belt because it would be my new initials. GG, Grier Griffin." I explained

"Too bad it's gonna be too small for a while." I added

I put the belt back in the box, "I'm gonna go get ready for the appointment."

"Are you nervous?" Ev asked me

I shrugged, "Not really for the appointment, just for going back home this weekend. What time does our flight leave?"

"Six." Ev answered

I changed into a pair of yoga pants, a black sweater, and my white Vans. I brushed my teeth, did my hair, and put on a little makeup.

Everett and I took Jude's car to the appointment so no paparazzi would be onto us outside an OBGYN office.

I had to have my blood drawn, I had to pee in a cup, get a pap smear, and answer a million questions about my health, Everett's health, and our parents' health.

Finally, we got to see our baby.

"So you're due May 1st, we're going to do appointments every four weeks until you're twenty eight weeks and then after that we're going to do them every two weeks until you're thirty three weeks. Sound good?" The doctor asked

"Well around December, I actually intend on moving to Charlotte in December so would that be a problem?" I asked her

She shook her head, "Oh, no. We can just transfer your records to the doctor of your choice."

"Great." I answered as I reached out for Ev's hand

He held my hand as she began.

"Alright, you're eight weeks and a day along, the baby is weighing about .04 ounces, and is measuring about .63 inches." She informed us

I looked up at the screen at the little baby.

"Oh my gosh, that's crazy." I said in awe

"Oh, wait until you hear this." The doctor started

All it took was a second for me to start tearing up once we could hear the heartbeat.

I looked over at Ev who was also in awe.

"That's our baby." He spoke softly

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