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The past three weeks were a whirlwind. 

The house in Charlotte was officially ours, we started decorating the house, I officially started moving my things out of LA, and I was officially done with college.

I made the decision not to walk in my graduation just because I was actually showing and I wasn't ready to share with the world yet.

Something else that I wasn't ready to share with the world was an impulsive decision that Everett and I made. 

It was one of those nights that I was just so in love and infatuated with him that I let him convince me to have an impromptu wedding ceremony. 

It was just him, Jude, Drew, an officiant, and I on a secluded beach on December fifteenth.

December fifteenth was extra special for us now, our birthdays and our marriage anniversary.

This wasn't our official wedding, but it just felt right for us.

So now I was legally Grier Olivia Johnson-Griffin which was insane.

What also felt great was feeling the baby move.

Life was great in general and I was excited for the future.

We decided that we were going to keep paying rent on Ev's apartment for a while because we were going to have to go to Los Angeles for business. 

On our flight to Los Angeles, I learned that Drew and Jude weren't kidding about the baby shower. It was going to be in February at Drew's parents' house in Calabasas. I couldn't wait to see what they came up with.

Unlocking the door to our house still felt like a dream.

The interior decorator did an amazing job with the living room, dinning room, kitchen, and our bedroom. I couldn't wait to add pictures and our things to make it feel more like home.

"We gotta get a Christmas tree." Ev commented as we walked into the living room

"Real or fake? I know you want a real one, but I want a fake one. I'll compensate you by buying you one of those fresh balsam candles." Ev spoke as he sat down

I grinned, "Ok, but we have to go to the Christmas tree farm next year."

"Yes, for sure." Ev agreed

I sat down next to him, "What else do we need to do?"

"We should defintley go get small things like towels, kitchen stuff, then to the grocery store, and then we can get a Christmas tree." Ev informed me

"Sounds good, I hope the moving truck comes by tomorrow." I wished

"Same." Ev agreed

We spent about four years at multiple stores getting everything we needed. We dropped off everything before we went to buy a Christmas tree. It was fun picking out a tree, ornaments, because this was truly our first Christmas together. 

I convinced Ev to get matching Reindeer onsies and we even got a little one for next Christmas.

Our night consisted of organizing things, washing towels, decorating our tree, and watching Christmas movies.

It was a great way to spend our last Christmas alone.

The following days leading up to Christmas were spent buying gifts, unpacking, and trying to get used to living in Charlotte full time.

It was way less expensive living in Charlotte than LA, Charlotte was rainier, but Charlotte would always be home.

We were celebrating Christmas eve with my parents and Christmas Day with Ev's parents.

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