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"What are you wearing?" Ev asked me

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, we're doing this again?"

"Yes." He answered simply

"I'm going to see you in eight hours or less." I reminded him

"Yeah, but I haven't seen you in nearly a month." Ev brought up

I nodded, "I miss you, but tour is over in three weeks. My last show is in Charlotte and I'm so excited."

"I know, I'm gonna be there." Ev assured me

"I know you will." I whispered

I knocked on a door.

"Hold on." Ev said

I smirked.

The door flew open and there stood my love only wearing grey sweatpants.

"Wow, eight hours flew right by." I joked

"Shut up." He said in shock as he wrapped his arms around me

It was three in the morning, I flew out of Salt Lake City right after my show was over, but I didn't tell him that.

"I missed you." I smiled into his shoulder

"You too." Ev said back

"Ugh, get in here." Ev said taking my language into his apartment

I could hear Jude snoring from the other room as we walked into Ev's room.

"So I'm guessing you flew back?" He wondered

I nodded, "Changed on the plane though, I just wanna be here with you right now."

Everett stroked my hair, "Let's sleep."

I kicked off my shoes, took off my jacket, and climbed into Ev's bed.

Ev turned off his light and got into bed with me.

I scooted closer to Ev and laid my head on his chest. His arms wrapped around me and I was in heaven.

"You smell so, like home." I spoke lowly

"There's nothing better than having you in my arms. I miss you so much when you're gone, I'm beginning to think you're apart of me in a way. When we were apart, I wasn't doing so good, I think you keep me afloat." Ev spoke as he held my hand

We kept fiddling with our hands as we laid in the dark.

"You never judge me for what I do and I did a lot of stupid things when we weren't together, but you put it aside and didn't hold it against me. I can always count on you no matter what, like with my sister or brothers. You always can put a smile on my face like we're seventeen again. Like Everett, you're the fucking best." I thought aloud

Ev kissed my cheek.

"Seventh grade wouldn't believe twenty year old me." Ev said

"Gross, my personality back then wasn't the best." I reminded him

Ev let out a laugh, "But still, you ended up with the ex-nerd."

"I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I didn't expect to fall in love with you like we're so young, but we just click. My family loves you, not more than I love you but pretty close. I always thought I was going to find love in college or after college but damn. Now, I wanna love you forever and that's something that I would never expect from me at twenty one." I rambled

Ev turned his head to me, "Are you proposing?"

I rolled my eyes, "No, no, don't forget our ten year plan. That's not for another couple years."

"I forgot about that plan, but these are some pretty sweet three in the morning thoughts." Ev said to me

I kissed his cheek, "You need to shave and go to sleep."

"Goodnight, lovie." I ended as I draped my arm around him

"I love you." Ev murmured

I smiled as I closed my eyes, "I love you more."

"Not possible." He said back


The next afternoon, our Coachella group drove to our rental house in the valley.

It was beautiful and I was sharing a bedroom with my love of course.

Friday night was fun, but Saturday night was when the fun all started.

I let Drew do my makeup which was fun for the occasion. Everyone was hyped and today was the day Ev and I decided not to hold back.

"You look good as fuck." Drew commented as we took pictures

"I try." I grinned as I analyzed the pictures

"Can I post you two on my snapchat?" Drew asked us

Ev shrugged, "We don't care today."

We really didn't care, maybe it was because we were slightly intoxicated for most of the day. The music was fun, our friends were a hoot, but I think the best part was being together.

"Who's ready for my costume party? Event of the fucking century." Jude asked as we all sat in the living room

"Yeah, I'm so excited, but you couldn't have waited a couple more months until October?" Drew asked Jude

Jude shook his head, "Nah, legendary parties don't follow societal standards."

Ev let out a laugh, "This is gonna be fun."

"I'm going to bed, you assholes are acting like it isn't four in the morning." I said standing up

"I'll come join you." Ev said standing up

"Oh, God, it's gonna sound like how it did when Grier got home from tour." Jude exclaimed

I groaned, "Jude!"

"Oh shut up, you didn't care when Grier and I were having a movie night when you were with Aria and you guys had that three-" Ev started

"We don't talk about that!" Jude cut him off

I smirked, "Goodnight, friends."

Everett followed me into our bedroom, we jumped into bed, and just laid there like we always did.

"So, I was thinking we can do Jack Skellington and Sally. Basically a zombie bride and groom." I said to Everett

Ev nodded, "We're going to look so good."

"We always look good." I smiled as I put my body on top of his

Everett rubbed my back, "Can't get comfortable?"

"No and I'm very tired." I answered

"You only get on top of me when you can't get comfortable ." Everett pointed out

"Or when I'm cold." I added

Ev nodded, "That too."

"When your tour is over, I wanna go somewhere with you. Somewhere nice. Not in LA, Hawaii maybe?" He spoke

I sat up, "Seriously?"

"Yeah, we need to relax outside of LA ." He assured me

"Definitely Hawaii." I decided

"Yes! That would be so nice. We could snorkel, eat poke bowls, go to the beach, Evie it would be amazing." I continue

Ev smiled, "You're so cute when you're excited."

I laid back down, "I'll split the cost with you."

Everett gave me a kiss, "I love you and I don't think I could ever say it enough."

"I never wanna hear you stop saying it." I confessed

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