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"Grier?" A voice spoke as I began to get into Ev's car

I turned around and my jaw dropped.

"No way." I smiled

"Everett!" I called out

Everett walked around quickly and looked so shocked.

"Mr. Pala!" He exclaimed with a smile as he hugged him

I hugged him after Ev and it's been crazy long since we've seen him. The last time we saw him was at my LA show two years ago.

We learned that Mr. Pala moved to New York a year after we graduated from high school. He was still a music producer just under a legitimate music studio.

"Have you moved back here?" I asked Mr. Pala as Ev wrapped his arm around me

"Nope, just visiting for Christmas. Damn, I wish you could have seen my wife and kids before they left. We have to do better in keeping in touch." Mr. Pala spoke

I nodded my head, "Yes, we've just been so busy and we're finally settling down."

"Yes, I'm so glad that you two got it together. Are you guys still living in Los Angeles?" He asked us

"Bicoastal living. We just bought a house here, all thanks to you." Ev informed him 

Mr. Pala smirked, "What's the official relationship status?"

I let out a small laugh, "Well, we got married on a beach with a few friends. We're gonna have a real wedding in a year or a little more, you'll be on the invite list."

"Why so long my two little love birds?" Mr. Pala asked

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, come on."

Mr. Pala gave us a look.

"The rumors are true?" He wondered

Ev nodded before he placed his hand on my stomach.

"Due late April, early May." Ev informed him

"That's amazing. I can't believe it, can I come to the baby shower to?" Mr. Pala asked us

I nodded, "Of course."

"Do you have a name picked out?" He asked

"We wish." Ev answered

We talked to Mr. Pala for a few more minutes about life and what we were up to. We also got his new phone number and address so we could stay in touch.

Afterwards, we went to my parents' house to celebrate Christmas.

We decorated cookies, ate food, opened gifts, horribly sang karaoke, but we all had a great time.

"So what names are we thinking of?" My mom asked me

"Porter, Ar-" I began before my mom cut me off

She did a fake gag, "Harry Porter."

"Come on, Mom, I think it's cute." Holland chimed in

"Yeah, you named me Finnegan out of all names." Finn spoke

Jack let out a laugh, "Here, here, brother."

"Give me another one." My mom requested

Ev and I continued to name names, but it was either someone didn't like one or the all hated it.

"We seriously need to decide on a name." Ev spoke 

"Wesley." I suggested 

My Dad clapped, "I love it."

"I love it too." My mom approved

My siblings approved of it too.

I looked at Ev and nodded.

"Wesley it is then." Ev confirmed

"Oh there's something we need to tell all of you." My Mom started

We all looked at each other.

What the hell was going on?

"Is it bad?" Jack asked

"ESPN has offered our family a reality series and they've never done this before so it's a big deal." My Dad announced 

Holland frowned, "Like the Kardashians?"

"Less drama." My Mom clarified

"What's so interesting about our family?" I put in

"Jack and Finn are 3rd generation big time football players, Holland is starting her modeling thing, and Grier you're a famous singer. Plus people wanna know more about your Mom and I's foundation." My Dad explained

"Modeling?" I asked looking at Holland

Holland never told me anything about her modeling. Especially since she said she just wanted to stay out of the spotlight, go to med school, and dance.

"What happened with dance?" I questioned her

Holland shrugged, "I'm still on Clemson's dance team and I plan to stay on it, but come on - dancing isn't going to pay the bills."

"Okay, but when did the modeling thing start? You were always the lowkey one, but I guess that explains the blonde hair." I spoke

"I'm about to be nineteen, Grier, I'm not nine anymore. I've gained quite the social media following and a modeling agency reach out to me." Holland explained

I sighed, "I just couldn't believe you didn't tell me."

"You didn't tell me that you were pregnant for a while so call us even." Holland argued

I rolled my eyes, "Modeling and being pregnant are two different things."

"Girls!" My mom scolded us

I took a deep breath, "Okay."

"See, this family has something and I'm for this show." Finn joked

"You haven't even told Mom and Dad that you have anxiety from football yet you want a TV show?" Holland grumbled

"Holland!" I exclaimed

Finn looked at Jack.

"Did you tell her?" Finn asked Jack

"You need to talk to someone about it and I thought Holland because Holland took AP Psych in high school that she could help you." Jack told Finn

Finn stood up, "Fuck you, Holland!"

He ran out the kitchen and stormed upstairs.

"I'll go calm him down." Ev offered as he followed behind him

My Dad sighed, "Is it bad?"

Jack shrugged, "I dunno, I mean I guess. He's worried about not being good enough. He's constantly working out and thinking about football. I try to calm him down, but you know how Finn is."

"And both the twins have had football experts attention since they were in the womb." I reminded them

"Well, Holland, it was wrong for you to out him like that." My Mom spoke

Holland nodded, "I know, I know, but I don't want to see him like that and someone had to tell. And in his junior year, when they can officially start offering him scholarships, I don't want him to loose his way. I want him to see that there's other things out there other than football. I think it's hard for him to see it because that's all that the men in our family do."

"You, both grandpas, uncles, Chase, I think that why he looks up to Ev so much." Holland continued 

My parents looked at each other.

"Our worst fear is coming true." My Mom groaned

"Let's go talk to him." My Dad started

That left Holland, Jack, and I in the kitchen.

"Let us all pray for Wesley." Jack spoke lowly

"Amen." I said as I sat down.

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