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I kept hearing the continuous ringing of my alarm going off again and again.

I groaned as I rolled out of the bed. I picked up a random one of Ev's sweatshirt, slipped it on, and walked into the living room to grab my phone.

"Morning." Jude looked up from eating his cereal

My eyes got big, "I thought you were in San Diego."

"Got back fifteen minutes ago." He informed me as I grabbed my phone

"So was it make up sex, I miss you sex, or based on the empty wine bottles drunk sex?" Jude questioned me

I shrugged, "A little bit of all of them actually."

"Are you guys back together?" Jude smirked

I nodded, "Yeah. I wasn't really planning on getting back together until at least April, but oh my gosh! He's so perfect for me and I tried dating other people but I couldn't."

"Good. He's missed you like crazy." Jude informed me

"Oh yeah, I could tell last night." I joked before I walked back into Everett's room

I jumped back into his bed, I had forty-five minutes until I had to pick up Holland from the airport. All I wanted to do was lay with him all day.

"Good morning." Ev mumbled

I put my hand on his cheek and gave him a quick kiss.

"Morning." I smiled as I straddled him

"You're so cute." I blushed as I took a picture of him

Our new thing was sending snapchats to each other like we were in high school again.

I threw my phone onto the bed.

"Morning wood?" I called out

He let out a laugh, "How about morning sex?"

"I have to get Holland in forty minutes." I reminded him

"I'll drive you." He decided

"Jude is back." I informed am

He put his hands on my hips, "Jude will understand. Just twenty minutes, fifteen really."

I bit my lip, "Okay, fine."


"Grier, where are you?" Holland yelled over the phone

I rolled my eyes, "We're pulling up to the airport now.

"We're?" Holland questioned me

I ended the call and rolled down the window.

"Holland!" I yelled to her, Ev's sister, and two of their friends

"Does she know we're back together?" Ev asked me

I looked at him as I rolled the window back up, "Have you told Elle?"

"You make a good point." Ev agreed as he got out the car

I got out the car behind him to greet our sisters and their friends.

"I didn't expect to see you." Holland grinned as she saw Ev

"Or you." Elle added as she looked at me

"Yeah, I was almost out of gas." I lied

Ev let out a small laugh under his breath, "Happy early birthday, nerd."

We put their luggage into the back, they got into the backseat illegally because there were four of them and four seats, and we started the drive to my apartment.

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