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My summer was spent traveling, working on music, taking summer classes, and of course spending time with Ev.

It was definitely one of the best summers ever.

I felt like I grew as a person.

I made some big girl moves, Drew and I decided to go to our separate ways. It wasn't because we weren't friends anymore, but because it was time for us to grow and be independent.

I was in love with my new place, it was in a quieter part of Los Angeles and it had such a beautiful view. It didn't even matter that the drive to campus was a little longer.

I grew in my relationships with people. Not just with Everett, but my sister, my parents, my brothers, Drew, and I even made new non-famous friends during my summer classes.

Everything was going so well for me.

And today was the big day. Holland and Elle were moving into their dorms. Ev wanted to help them move in, but he had to be in Los Angeles for business. 

Holland's car was packed along with my parents' car and my car. 

"So are you ready for college?" I asked Holland as we stopped at a diner outside of Clemson while we waited for our parents to catch up

She shrugged, "I hope so."

"I think you're gonna be fine." I assured her

"You and Chase." I added with a smirk

Holland started blushing, "Stop it."

"But seriously, Holly, I think you're going to have such a good time in college. I  think you're going to join sorority, you have the dance thing, the same team Mom was on - be ready to recreate pictures." I spoke

Holland grinned, "I'm excited, nervous too."

"Enjoy the ride of college. Go to the football games, have fun but be safe. Plus, call your big sister every night." I advised

"You have to come to all the football games you can. Like, Gracie, what the fuck? We're getting so old. It feels like yesterday that we were sharing a room before Mom and Dad built our house. It doesn't feel like I should be in college majoring in pre-law, I wanted to be a princess." Holland realized as she rambled

"Call or text me when you need anything and I mean anything. I don't care what time it is." I told her

She nodded.

My baby sister wasn't a baby anymore.

I was extremely tired after helping Holland and her roommate, Ariana unpack and decorate.

Her dorm-room came out absolutely cute, it was so Holland.

It was kinda sad for me to say our goodbyes, I think my parents got it out through me so they didn't show was much emotion.

But my sister truly was my best friend even if we did live thousands of miles apart, I knew I could just fly to Charlotte and she would be there. 

Walking past her somewhat bare and quiet room was unusual.

I was extremely tired, but I couldn't got to sleep without talking to Everett.

So I went to the kitchen, fixed some tea, and I went outside to the patio.

I called him via FaceTime and he answered almost immediately.

I noticed he was in his kitchen, shirtless, making dinner.

"Whatcha cookin' good lookin'?" I asked with a small smile

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