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Finals, the worst time of the year.

I was slowing losing my sanity through all of the all-nighters. 

The only thing was getting me through was knowing after my last exam on Thursday I was flying to Charlotte for my last and final show on Friday, dinner with Holland and her boyfriend on Saturday, Holland's graduation was on Sunday, two more days in Charlotte, then we were off to Hawaii.

 Everything ended up paying off because I finished my junior year of college with a 3.5.

But Friday night, my nerves were buzzing.

This had to be the best show because my whole family would be there from my grandparents to my siblings, Everett's family was coming, maybe even people from high school.

I just knew that this was going to be the best show yet.

"Are you nervous?" Kate asked me

"Yes, but I'm also excited." I answered as people did my hair and makeup

"You're going to kill it. I have your whole family in the club suites, but your sister and cousins, Chloe and Emery, wanted to front row with their friends." Kate informed me

I nodded, "How much of my family?"

"Both your Mom and Dad's parents, Uncle Luke and Carson and their families, Aunt Jane, Lilly, Ainsley. Of course your immediate family and Everett's family."She answered

I let out a deep breath, "Wow, okay."

"You're gonna kill it." Kate assured me

Then there was a security guard that entered the dressing room.

"I have a visitor for Miss. Johnson." He announced

I looked over at the doorway to see Ev.

My face lit up, "Hey!"

I hadn't seen him since Wednesday night before my last final and I wasn't expecting to see him until the show was over.

"Can we have a minute?" I asked everyone in the room as I stood up from the chair

"Only five minutes." Kate said sternly before she led everyone out

I hugged Everett as I heard the door closed.

"I missed you." I whispered into his ear

"I missed you more." He whispered back

I moved my hands down lower and I felt a box in his pocket.

I felt alarmed and I moved back.

"Everett." I said slowly

Everett pulled the red box out of his pocket and my heart dropped.

"It's not a ring." He spoke quickly

I put my hand on my heart, "Oh, good."

"When we first got together, you gave me a Cartier bracelet and well guess what? We're back together and it's my turn to give you one. " Ev began

He opened up the box and revealed a gorgeous silver bracelet.

Everett pulled up his sleeve and showed the matching one he was already wearing.

"This is our bracelet to make memories with babe." He said as he put it on to my wrist

I gave him a hug, "I love you so much."

"I love you! Now you go kill it tonight and I'll see you later, okay?" Ev ended

I nodded, "Okay. Bye, lovie."

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