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The past week was crazy.

Everett was still adjusting to his sling life, we were both adjusting to living with each other, and we had to worry about school on top of everything.

I officially switched OBGYNs and Ev and I were in Charlotte for Thanksgiving and we were house hunting.

Life was moving fast, I was officially sixteen weeks and somewhat showing.

Today, I had my first doctor's appointment with my new doctor in Charlotte. Today was also a big day, because we were supposed to find out the gender of our baby.

"Nervous?" Ev asked me as we waited on the doctor

I shook my head, "As long as they're safe."

"We gotta come up with a name." Ev added with a smile as the door opened

"Hi, I'm Doctor Victoria, call me Tori, or Dr. T." She greeted us

Doctor T was my Mom's OBYN's daughter which I loved.

She had flowing brunette hair, brown eyes, and was in her thirties or so.

We both shook her hand.

"It's nice to meet you both, in person." She went on

She went over all of my paperwork, tests, and just asked us questions before we got to what we were really here for.

But she had to leave due to a family emergency, so the ultrasound was done by somebody else. This doctor was older, she had graying hair, glasses that reminded me of Harry Potter, but was obviously still working.

"So your baby is measuring 4.8 inches long and is weight about 3.7 ounces. Since you're sixteen weeks, you actually might start to feel this little baby move soon, and the baby will be able to hear your voice." She informed us as we stared at the screen

"The heartbeat is currently at 159 beat per minute. Are we finding out the sex today?" She asked

"Yes." Ev spoke excitedly

I reached out for his hand and he held on to it.

Our eyes didn't leave the screen.

"Looks like a little boy." She announced

She moved the scope away, "Congratulations!"

I smiled at Ev, "Thank you."

The doctor wiped off my stomach and then sent us off with some papers.

Ev and I just sat in the car reflecting on what just happened.

"This is real." I realized as I looked at the ultrasound pictures

Ev kissed my cheek, "We gotta come up with a name."

I looked at my watch, "We have to be at that one house in fifteen minutes."

"Shit, I forgot." Ev spoke as he put the car in drive

I hushed him as I put my hand on my stomach, "He can hear you now."

"Oh snap, I forgot." Ev corrected himself jokingly

Normally I wasn't the type of person to get caught up on the first thing I saw but this house was it.

The house wasn't too big or too small, it was ten minutes away from my parents' house and twenty minutes from Ev's parents.  It had five bedrooms and seven bathrooms, a large yard,a beautiful outdoor living area, an amazing kitchen, it was just perfect.

"We could put a pool and play-set out here." Ev spoke as we stood outside

I nodded, "We could."

"So what are thinking?" The realtor asked us

Miss Famousजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें