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A Sunday in the Johnson house hold was spent watching the Panther's game while eating whatever food my Dad grilled.

"How do you want your steak, Gracie? The usual?" My Dad asked me

Why did Holland dig this nickname out of its grave?

"Well done." I answered as I sat at the island

Finn scoffed, "I never thought I'd hear that word in this house."

"Funny." I replied

"Grier and Ev, are you guys coming to more of Coop's and I football games when you move back?" Finn asked us

"Move back?" My Dad questioned us

I looked over at Ev and nodded.

He knew what it meant, I knew what it meant, it was time.

"Uh yeah, we're buying a house in November and moving in December. Well Grier is, I'm going to be going back and forth between here and California until I finish school." Ev explained as my Mom walked into the kitchen

I gave her a look and I guess she knew what that meant.

"I didn't expect y'all to move back so soon." Jack commented

Trust me, we didn't either.

"Yeah, what's with that? Miss us too much?" My Dad joked

I looked at my Mom and then looked at Everett.

"Tell him." Ev mouthed to me

I grabbed Ev's hand and looked at my Dad.

"I'm pregnant." I announced

My Dad dropped the tongs he was holding and my brothers's mouths were wide open.

"Two months." I added

"Did you know?" My Dad asked looking at my Mom

She nodded and my Dad scoffed.

"Don't be mad at Mom, because she didn't tell you. I didn't want her to tell you, I wanted to be the one to with Ev of course. I know that this isn't what you expected of us and to be honest this isn't what I expected either. I had an extremely strict plan and now we all have to adjust it." I spoke

My Dad shook his head and walked outside.

I ran my fingers through my hair, "Oh my God."

"Congrats, sis, hope it's a boy so we can get that Griffin name into the NFL." Jack commented

Finn nodded in agreement before he walked out of the room

"I hate my life." I groaned

"Don't say that." Ev said as he rubbed my back

"I'm gonna go talk to him." My Mom said before she walked out

I just stared at Everett and shook my head.

"Like what?" I got out

I looked at Everett, "At the end of the day, I was never going to care about what the world thought about this situation but I care about what my Dad thinks. "

"He's not going to be like this forever, I don't doubt it for a second. He just needs time, okay?" Ev assured me

"But he shouldn't! We're not sixteen, it's not like I got pregnant by some random guy, and it's not like I don't have money to make this work. We're both budgeting Ev. We're not going out as much and we're saving money." I spoke

Ev looked at me, "Just put yourself in his shoes for a minute. Your daughter, your baby girl is pregnant, at twenty one. Yeah we've been together altogether for a while, but we haven't been together like we have been for a while. I understand why he isn't jumping for joy, but he isn't not going to be jumping for joy forever. You know your Dad, Gray."

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