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A month had gone by since we got Rett and since tour rehearsals started.

The day before I left for tour, Ev and I had a fun photo shoot with a company that was going to be used as promo in a year or so.

It was probably the best photoshoot I ever had. 

It was our first photo shoot together and we just got to be our loving selves.

Plus, it made our last day together for four months a memorable one.

I hated the fact that while I was touring Europe, Ev would be in the Americas, and then it would flip-flop.

We told each other that we would FaceTime every day, it started our that way, but when Ev started touring, it got rocky. When it was night in Europe, it would be day here. Which meant while he was doing press work or rehearsals, I was either asleep or performing a show or trying to keep up with my classes.

There was basically no time to talk.

I think we only talked fifteen minutes out of a whole month.

I would say it hurts to know that, but I didn't even realize in the process.

Tour life was always go, go, go. There was barely time to breathe, let alone keep up a relationship.

But this four months surprisingly flew by.

I had the best time seeing new sites, trying new food, and seeing people singing along to my songs. The whole tour was surreal. I couldn't believe it was my life.

Ev had two days off before he had to fly to Canada and I just landed in LA after a long fourteen-hour flight.

I opened the door after hearing repeated knocks.

"Hey." I greeted Ev

Ev frowned, "I was expecting more excitement from my girlfriend who I haven't seen in four months."

I shrugged, "I'm sorry, you just woke me up from a nap. I just got off a fourteen-hour flight, two hours ago."

"And I just got off a plane from Mexico." Ex retorted as he closed my front door

I groaned, "I'm in into the mood to play dominant male right now. You could have picked me up or screamed or something too, but you didn't, so don't expect me to."

"Okay, but I haven't seen you in a long ass time and we've barely spoken." Ev persisted

"I know that." I said with an agitated sound to my voice

Ev rolled his eyes, "All I want is a little damn excitement."

"Oh my gosh, my knight in shining armor, I love you, how did I live without you for so long?" I said sarcastically

Ev walked a few steps away from me out of frustration.

"I swear." He mumbled

I turned to him, "Swear what?"

"Why are you so damn upset?" He asked me

I uncrossed my arms, "I'm not fucking upset! I just don't understand why you are so pressed that I didn't throw myself into your arms when I just woke up and I'm jet-lagged."

"Obviously you're upset if you're yelling." Ev added

I groaned, "Okay, yeah sure."

"Whatever, I'm not doing this with you." Ev hissed

"Don't talk to me like I'm your child." I fought back

Ev looked at me, "Well I mean, that's how you're acting."

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