Into My Arms

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A//N: Sorry it took me song long to update, my dudes. I just got home from vacation. I should be updating more regularly now.

(John Laurens POV)

I stared at Angelica, shocked to see a tiny watery dot scaling it's way down her cheek. It brought out the brightness in her eyes-- made it look like an infinity of sparkles would one day be painted on her skin.

She shuffled a second, a step forward to me, a step backward to him.

 Her lips pursed and she looked to him: a fine young man with beautiful black hair and bright eyes. The type of person who shouldn't even wear a shirt. He wasn't a soldier-- she would never have to fear for his life, fear that he would never come home.

She turned to me, eyebrows knitting. Up and down she looked at me, smirking a bit. She took a step forward, but then she turned back to John Church.

"I'm sorry dear, you have lovely beliefs, but I doubt that you would ever die for them," she said to John Church.

Then she turned to me, ran into my arms, grabbed my face, and pulled me to hers.

I almost shuved away, but I couldn't. I should say no to this... She had just kissed another man! But I couldn't. We kissed and kissed and kissed, eyes closed, for a long enough time I didn't notice Peggy whittle her way into the room. 

"Well then..." Peggy said and Angelica pulled away from me, turning to Peggy and collapsing in her arms sobbing.

Should've Been Mine (Laurens x Angelica) {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now