Step 6: Deal with personal problems

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Jamie's POV

"Kieran." I said, my face losing the smirk instantly.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Were you expecting someone else?" he asked.

I placed my hands on my hips.

"I was actually expecting no one. And if I was, it would definitely not be you." I said with a fake smile before proceeding to close my door.

I failed though, since he stopped it with his foot.

"May I come in?" he asked.

I sighed.

"No. No, you may not. Especially if you're going to continue asking me to get back together with you - which, by the way, is never happening." I snapped.

He frowned.

"Babe, you know I care about you." he said.

"Not enough, Kieran. And it'll never be enough, especially coming from you." I snapped again.

"Jamie, baby, I know I wasn't the greatest boyfriend, but I was only trying to--"

"To what? To stop me from seeing my friends? To stop me from wearing the clothes I adored? To stop me from hanging out with any other boys?"

He sighed.

"It was never like that."

"Well it sure as hell looked and felt like it." I spat.

"Look, I think we just really need to talk."

I huffed.

I was for sure not going to let him into my apartment. That was a huge no-no.

What to do, what to do.

What if.....? No he wouldn't buy that.

Or maybe....? Nuh-uh.

I'll just be straight up.....


He gave a confused and shocked look and looked around quickly to see a couple people opening up their doors to check what all the ruckus was about.

When an elderly couple, Mr. and Mrs. Andres, saw Kieran and I, they shook their heads.

"Kids these days. They go sleeping around with any ol' hag. They don't wear protection, they don't check if they're clean, nothing! They put the stick in the hole and go at it like bears fighting over a damn sockeye salmon!" Mrs. Andres snapped.

I had to bite my knuckle to stop from laughing.

Her husband grunted in agreement and with one more disapproving look towards Kieran, they shut the door.

When I looked back at Kieran, his face was red with anger and embarrassment.

I smirked.

"Well, it was nice seeing you again, Kieran, but I have to go and.......console my sister over the phone now. Don't worry, no hard feelings!" I grinned before slamming the door on his shocked face.

I laughed. I don't even have a sister.


"No way! You actually said that?" June said, her eyes wide.

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