Eomma and Jimin Time

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Hoseok's p.o.v.

Jimin and I are heading to the store. Since Jimin has been good for the last few weeks, I decided we can spend some time together. I parked the car and opened the door. I head to Jimin's door and open it. I take him out of the car and lock it. I then picked up Jimin and headed into the store. I got a shopping cart and placed Jimin in the seat on the cart. We go through the isles picking out what we need.

"Eommwa can we pwease get chicken nuwggets?" He asks me politely.

"Of course honey, since you've been such a good boy we can have chicken nuggets for dinner tomorrow alright." I tell him sweetly while grabbing the chicken nuggets.

"Yay!" He smiles brightly. I chuckle at his cuteness and we go on with our shopping. After getting all the things I needed I decided to head over to the toys section so Jimin can pick a toy.

"Honey why don't you go and pick a toy that you want?" I ask him as I take him out of his seat and put him down. He then runs into the isle and I smile at him. He comes back with a puppy plush that is wearing a yellow onesie.
"Is that the one you want?" I ask him.

"Yeah he is suwper cute!" He tells me excitedly. I put him back in the cart with his toy and we head to the check out. Once I finished paying I took the cart outside and headed to the car. I unload the bags into the trunk and take Jimin out and put him in his car seat. He wanted to hold onto the toy so I gave him it. I then got into the drivers seat and we head out of the parking lot.

"Do you have a name for your new toy?" I ask him as I stop at a red light. I see him concentrating while he tries to think of a name.

"His nawme will bwe Chimmy!" He tells me happily as he hugs his stuffy tighter. I start to drive again since the light is on green and I turn left into a neighborhood.

"How about we go to the park and play a little bit?" I ask him. His eyes immediately light up at the word "park". He nods his head vigorously and I laugh at how cute he looks. I park the car right by the park and I head out. I take Jimin out of his car seat and lock the door. Jimin didn't bring Chimmy because he was afraid of getting the stuffy too dirty.

We spent a long time playing at the park. We went down slides, went on swings, and we played in the sandbox for a little bit. Jimin looked a bit tired so I decided we should head to our last destination before he falls asleep. "Hey, how about we head to the bakery and you can get something small okay." I ask him while strapping him into his car seat.

"Owkay Eommwa." He tells me tiredly. I get into the car and drive to the bakery that wasn't that far from the park. We arrive and I get out of the car. I take Jimin out of the car and he holds my hand as we enter the bakery.

"Now what do you want Jimin?" I ask him as I see him eyeing the assortment of sweets.

"Can I pwease hawve a chowcolate fuwdge cupcawke." He tells me smiling widely.

"Of course, let me go pay for it." I tell him. I head up to the lady at the counter and order.

"Hello there sir, what would you like to order today?" The cashier asks me nicely.

"Ah yes, may I have two chocolate fudge cupcakes." I tell her while I get out my wallet. She gets the two chocolate fudge cupcakes from the back and packs them up in a little box.

"That will be five dollars and eighty-nine cents." She tells me. I give her my debit card. She swipes it and hands it back to me. "Thank you and have a good day sir." She tells me bowing.

"You too." I say and bow back. I then take Jimin outside and we sit at one of the tables. I open the box and give him a cupcake and we start eating. We were both able to finish the cupcakes and we threw the box out. I wiped Jimin's face with a napkin since he had gotten chocolate all over it. We then headed to the car and I put Jimin in his car seat and I head into the drivers seat so we could head home.

"Thwank you Eommwa." Jimin tells me yawning. I look back to see he fell asleep after saying that and I smiled. I pull into the driveway and I get out of the car. I take Jimin out and carry him since he's still sleeping. He looks so cute especially since he's holding his stuffy. I was able to grab a few of the bags from the trunk and head to the door. I unlocked the door and was greeted by Yoongi and Holly. I give Yoongi a quick peck and hand him the bags. I also pet Holly and he barks happily as his tail wags. I get up and look over to Yoongi.

"Can you grab the rest of the bags in the trunk while I put Jimin into his bed." I tell him. He nods and I start heading to the twin's room. I put Jimin in his bed carefully and kiss him and Tae goodnight. All the kids were asleep already so that's good. I then quietly leave the twin's room and head to the kitchen. I help Yoongi unpack the food and then we both head to the couch. We cuddle as we watch movies until we fall asleep peacefully.

Hope you enjoyed. Sorry to make you wait. Don't even know if this chapter was good but hopefully it pleases you.

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