Trip to the Mall

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Yoongi's p.o.v.

One thing you should never do, bring a pair of toddlers to the mall.

1 Hour Earlier

"What's wrong with going on a little trip to the mall with the kids?"

"Hoseok you know how Tae is, and Jimin ends up following what Tae does." I told him.

"Please Yoongi, I think they deserve to at least get one thing each. Also Jungkook absolutely needs more outfits." Hoseok said giving me his best puppy eyes.

"......Fine." I said while sighing. Hoseok did a little cheer and ran towards the playroom with an excited Holly following behind. I smiled and turned back to finish my work. A few moments later I saw Hoseok walk out with a baby in his arms and two toddlers following behind him. "Well you got them dressed fast." He smiled at me.

"I'm just excited." He then walked over to the entrance to put on their coats. I also walked over to help him and put on my own shoes and coat. We soon left to the car. After getting all the kids in, Hoseok got into the passenger's seat and I got into the driver seat. I started the car and drove towards the mall.

When we arrived at the mall I got out of the car and unbuckled the twins while Hoseok got Jungkook. Now we were all heading towards the mall. As soon as we got into the mall Tae and Jimin's eyes lit up. We informed them beforehand that we needed to stop at the baby store first before we went to any other stores. Though if they really can't wait at the baby store I will just take them to the other stores. So we went into the store and immediately walked over to the clothes section. Hoseok adored all the cute clothing, and for some reason we ended up with a lot of bunny onesies in the cart. After buying the clothing the twins were finally able to choose which stores they wanted to go to. Tae wanted to go to this toy store so we went inside. He ran over to this plush that had a heart face. He really wanted it so we got it for him.

Jimin wasn't really interested in anything until he saw a certain plush. It looked exactly like the one he had at home. The only difference was that it was wearing a different outfit. It seemed to be a winter themed outfit. We ended up getting it for him. After that we started making our way toward the food court.

Present Time

"Appa I wan that." Tae said as he pointed to a window of a shop.

"Eommwa can I pwease have dat." Jimin told Hoseok as he pointed towards another window. So far the twins keep forgetting that we said they can only get one thing. While walking to the food court we follow a pattern. They see something they want, and then they completely forget about it as they see something else.

"We wan that!" They said at the same time.

"I'm sorry babies but we can't get that. The person walking that dog owns it, it is not for sale." Hoseok tells them sweetly. They both look down sad but then see another thing in a shop window. Though now that I think about it I'm surprised that Tae hasn't cried yet. As I think of that I hear crying, of course.

"Eommwa w-why can't I-I get dat?" Tae asks while crying. Hoseok kneels down and hugs him. Jimin also hugs Tae.

"I'm sorry sweetheart but Appa and I already told you that you can only get one thing," he then shows Tae the new plush,"don't you like your new friend?" Tae looks at the plush and immediately hugs it. He then starts to smile and nods his head. "Now how about we go get some Panda Express from the food court?" Tae nods his head again and starts walking with us. Jungkook was somehow sleeping through all of this which I am very surprised at. We reached the food court and ordered some food. I waited for the food while Hoseok and the kids found a seat. I got the food and sat down with them. Jungkook was awake now and was being fed a milk bottle while the rest of us ate Panda Express.

"Appa, Eomma, I know wat to name my pwush." Tae told us confidently. We nodded for him to go on and Jimin was curious as well. "His name will bwe Tata!" He told us while smiling.

"Wow that is a great name Tae." I told him while eating. We then began chatting and laughing together as a happy family. Although, making our way out of the mall was quite difficult.

Hope you guys thought this was good. I am so sorry for not updating in a while, just have been very busy. Well hope you all have a great day.

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