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I woke up to the sound of howling winds and rain pattering on the windows, this was the British weather I knew. I checked the time on my old alarm clock and it was 6:34am. I pattered about my room for a while and got dressed and ready. At 8:15 there was a knock at the door, I said I will get it too my mum. I ran down the stairs and leaped off the 4th step up and answered the door.

"Happy Birthday!" Said Jasmin, Scott and Charley in unison. I invited them in and I opened my presents. I got a superman snapback from Charley (just like hers), tickets to see Bastille in November from Jasmine (we both loved Bastille) and Scott got me some Xbox games I have wanted. My mum came into the living room with a cake which she had made. It was a deep blue colour of icing and there was a beautifully piped guitar on there, with writing of bands which I liked.

"Do you like it?" Inquired my mum.

"Wow, I love it!" I said whilst examining it. "Thanks mum!" I hugged her. My mum is only 32, she had me young but she stayed with my dad up until he died. She has medium length blonde hair and she is also very pretty. She has a curvy slim figure and is tall. My mum is naturally very tanned. My mum also brought in a present which was about the size of my hand. I un-wrapped it and inside was flight tickets for 5 people. I looked at my mum in shock and excitement, she had a beaming smile on her face.

"How did you know?"

"I'm not stupid Tom, I do hear you talking to Luna sometimes. Also Luna talked to me about them."

"Thank you so much!" I hugged her again but tighter this time. She hugged me back and then cut the cake for us. Then there was another knock. It was Luna! I was so pleased to see her, she said happy birthday and came inside. She had curled her amazing hair especially for this and was dressed up a bit, but her converse made it more casual. We sat in the living room chatting whilst mum prepared food. Then we put on music and danced for a bit, just for a laugh. Then my mum called us through for food and we watched a film.

At 8:00pm everyone left except Luna, she stayed. I and Luna put on a film, for some reason we chose The Woman in Black. Luna got really scared and came and sat next to me, I then found myself with my arm around her. But I didn't feel uncomfortable, she was my friend...well. She kept moving closer to me as the film got scarier and she buried her head in my arm when there was a jump scare.

We both suddenly screamed after a really scary part. Luna looked up at me and smiled. I looked at her and looked in too her eyes, she had really nice green/blue eyes. She leant in closer and so did I. Then she kissed me, not on the cheek the lips. I didn't complain though or move away. I loosened my grip on her hips after the jump scare moment and hugged her. She held my shoulders and then she pulled away. She looked to the ground shyly and said

"Sorry, I had too."

"No, no...It’s fine." I said smiling.

"Tom, erm, I don't know how to say this but will you be my boyfriend? I love you so much you are such a great friend and you care for me so much. And I know you feel the same way because I have seen the way you look at me and...”

"Say no more....yes girl in the window...I will be your boyfriend." She smiled shyly at me and hugged me. I couldn't believe what just happened. I loved Luna, but I am too stupid to realise before. I'm glad she noticed because I would never of. She’s beautiful, caring and sweet and I am happy.

I kissed good bye to Luna as she left and closed the door.

"Oooo I see you got yourself a girlfriend Tom." Teased mum whilst drying a dish.

"Shhh mum." I joked. "Night mum." I shouted as I walked upstairs.

"Night darling." Shouted mum back.

I went upstairs and opened my window, Luna was sat there with her legs dangling over the edge, and she was on her laptop with her headphones on. I didn't disturb her, so I just went onto YouTube. I fell asleep again whilst on YouTube. But I was woken by shouting, I quickly peered out of the window to see Luna and her dad arguing. Her dad looked really angry. I walked out onto the window ledge, to listen in more. Wait. They were not arguing they were fighting. Her dad had a belt and was threatening to hurt her with it. I saw Luna argue back and that’s when he lashed her with the belt. I heard her scream and so did I. I covered my mouth with my hands and took it all in. He hit her again. I ran downstairs and quickly unlocked the door, just as her dad left for the pub. I hid behind the bush whilst he left. When he drove off I climbed in through the open window to see Luna laying there, almost lifeless. I picked her up and held her in my arms. I started crying.

"Tom, take me to your house. I'm ok, I just tried to look dead so he wouldn't hit me again. Just take me to your house please." Luna pleaded. I helped her up and tried to walk her, but she just collapsed.

"Where are your crutches?"

"He locked them away." I had no choice but to carry her. I picked her up and she dangled in my arms. I brought her into the house and laid her on the sofa. She had deep cuts on her limbs, so I got the first aid kit.

"Mum!" I screamed up the stairs. "Help!" My mum came rushing down the stairs and I told her I needed help, my mum was a nurse. I explained what had happened to her and she treated Luna. She bandaged her up and then calmed her down. My mum brought down some bedding for her and made it into a bed, then she went back to bed. I said night to Luna and then I went to bed.

At 2:30am Luna woke me and asked if she could come into my bed because she was upset and scared. I had a double bed so there was plenty of room, but she laid close to me. I hugged her from behind and stroked her hair. This calmed her she told me, she had brought her knees up to her chest, in an embryo position. I comforted her as she spoke to me, I could tell she was crying. She then fell asleep in my arms and so I slept as well. I got awoken at about 4 am because of general house noises. Luna was still laid the same way she was before, but this time her hair was more spread out. Her hair was near my face and it smelt like peaches, I got to properly look at her hair colour now. She had such a nice colour of hair, and her hair was really thick too. When I first saw her, it was her hair which attracted me the it was special. In the back pocket of her shorts was box. But it looked like a glasses box. I wanted to see what was inside so I carefully took it out of the pocket and opened it. Inside were some black geek style glasses which were obviously hers. I didn't know she wore glasses, but this didn't change anything.

At 5:50am I woke up again. By this time I was getting fed up of constantly waking up, so I got up and went down stairs. I watched a film for a while and then it was 7:15am so I made breakfast for Luna. I made her bagels and chocolate spread (she told me this was her favourite) and a hot chocolate with cream & marshmallows. Also as a treat I brought her a big chocolate cookie.

When I brought it up she was sat up in bed on her phone. She passed me a fake smiled at me when I brought it in.

"Thank you!" She exclaimed.

"It's ok, I hope you like it." I smiled.

"What music do you like?" I asked.

"I like Muse, Bastille, Scouting for Girls. I also like Green Day." she replied.

"Ok, I love most of them." I scrolled through my albums on my phone. I then made a playlist with all those band’s songs in. When I started playing them her mood changed. She started to look more relaxed and happier. I sat facing her at the end of the bed and scrolled through my phone whilst she tucked into her breakfast. First she started eating her bagel and then had some hot chocolate. When she had finished her bagel she started on the cookie and finished the hot chocolate. I took the tray downstairs and put the bowl and cup into the dishwasher. I went back upstairs and went to sit back on the bed. 

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