Home Alone

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Best picture I could find of a sofa fort. It's not what I described but you get my gist.

Charley arrived first at 2:30pm. She was wearing leggings, a black and white tank top and a red beanie. Her hair had natural loose curls, so she hadn't done much with her hair. Then the pizza arrived so we all started eating that. We all crashed in the lounge with the pizza and put on the Russell Howards Good News.

"Charley. Guess what!" I said excitedly.


"Well, I and Luna...are going out."

"Wow, congratulations. I could tell this was happened from the way you looked at each other. I always knew." Said Charley. I went to the kitchen and I got out a load of Pepsi cans and out them in a bucket of ice. I brought them through to the living room and then Jasmine and Scott arrived. I let them in and told them about me and Luna. Then we all sat in the living room and watched TV, drank Pepsi and ate food. My living room had a big corner sofa with another normal sofa so there was plenty of room for us all to sit.


I fell asleep and was awoken by Charley patting me on the shoulder. She told me that Luna needed help in explaining about going to Brazil. So I woke up properly a then started explain it. They all seemed intrigued a praising that we had taken the time to plan it down to the last detail. I opened up my MacBook and showed them the choice of hotel. They seemed pleased with the choice and about the WiFi too. The lights and TV suddenly went off and so did the street lights. I felt someone grab my hand and I heard Jasmine scream. The room had gone dark.

"The power much be out." I suggested. "Open the curtains." Scott went over the open the curtains, but it was still quite dark because it was very cloudy outside and it was 7:30pm. I looked out the window and the whole streets power was out. It was Luna who had grabbed my hand. She quickly let go.

"Sorry the dark scares me sometimes." Luna murmured.

"Nah its fine." I smiled.

"What are we going to do?" Asked Scott.

"Right, Luna and Charley you grab the food, Scott grabs cushions, blankets etc. And Jasmine choose a film. We are building a fort." Everyone looked and me and smiled, a beaming smile like we were all kids again. Everyone ran off to get the stuff and we all built a fort out of sofa cushions, chairs and blankets. There was enough room for all of us. I grabbed my laptop and an external charger and put on a film. We sat under the fort, watched a film and ate food, it was like we were little kids again. Me, Scott and Charley used to do this all the time, then Jasmine joined when she moved here. I received a text from my mum saying she was going to be late. This was good because this meant we could be like this for longer.

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