5th Day - Meeting Evelyn

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The sharp searing pain shot through my wrists, waking me up. I thought I would've forgotten about yesterday, but this reminded me. My wrists were damaged, scarred and were now aching. I sighed and opened my eyes to see Charley sat in front of me. She looked at me as I sat up and said,

"I know you cut last night. Let me look at your wrists." She whispered softly. I timidly lifted my arm and showed it to her. Charley examined my arm frowned at me, her face dropped when she saw the really big cut I made.

"You've really got to stop. Please Tom it's not good for you." Charley raised her voice.

"Stop telling me, I know. But do you know how hard it is?" I tried to stay calm, but I was getting frustrated and annoyed. I was sick to death of being told the same thing over and over. Besides Charley didn't know what it was like and how hard it is and was. The only one I could relate to was Luna, and she was asleep.

"Well no...But..." I cut her off before she could finish.

"No you have absolutely no idea. You didn't go into depression, your dad didn't die, and you didn't self-harm or make a suicide attempt..." I stopped suddenly, realising what I had said. Her face said it all, she was shocked.

"You...you made a suicide attempt? You never told me." Stammered Charley. The others woke up and asked what was going on. But I ignored them and carried on arguing.

"No...no...I didn't...it was just." I wasn't getting out of this one. I had never told anyone about this apart from my mum because she found me. I was nearly dead by the time she found me and I was losing blood quickly.

I had nothing to say, I had let it out and now they knew. I never wanted anyone to know, I don't know why though.

"When?" Asked Luna, she was now getting involved.

"I'm not talking about it." I stated timidly. I really didn't want to talk about that day. It was very depressing and sad. I have scars all over my body and a lot of them are from that day, a sickening reminder. Reminding me of the pain and suffering that I wanted to end and me nearly escaped it.

They asked no more and just accepted the fact. I remembered that we were meeting Evelyn today and were meeting on the beach at 1:00pm. She seemed nice from the Facebook messages. And I would get the truth about that text. I was nervous for Luna. My mind was buzzing with thoughts and questions that I didn't have the guts to ask.


We anxiously waited for Luna's mum too arrive on the beach. Luna played with her hair whilst she waited. And we just sat silently waiting with her. My stomach was churning and felt like all the butterflies I felt were going to fly out. I really hoped Evelyn was going to be who Luna hoped she would be.

Ten more minutes passed, and Evelyn was late. What if she didn't turn up? How would Luna react? Stop it, she will turn up - I told myself. Then I turned my head and saw her. A tall and slim woman with mahogany coloured hair and a beaming smile on her face. She held her hand to her mouth and started crying. I gawped in awe and shock.

"That's it, I'm leaving." Shouted Luna angrily. "What?"

"Luna turn around." I stammered. She slowly turned around and started crying. Her face lit up like a light and Luna jumped and hugged her. Her mum.

"Mum." Luna wailed. They were both crying and us four were very emotional too. They looked alike Luna and her mum. I was so happy she had found her mum. Luna's mum was wearing denim shorts, with a green tank top with a black Aztec print kimono. Her hair was in a sleek volumised pony tail and her makeup was simple. Evelyn looked about 26 but her age was 34. She looked like a model.

"You're so grown up and beautiful." Said Evelyn to Luna. Then she looked at me and said,

"So you must be Luna's boyfriend." She said. "You did there well Luna, you don't need my help in choosing the right lads." Evelyn winked at Luna.

"Ahaha, thanks mum." Giggled Luna, I smiled too. Luna had the same personality as her mum, they were like sisters. Charley, Jasmine and Scott introduced themselves and then we all chatted like we had known each other for years. Evelyn was so friendly and felt like an older sister to us all.

"Evelyn, why did you come to Brazil?" I asked.

"Please call me Eve. I came to Brazil because I love the culture, the atmosphere, the food. It's beautiful here, I love it." She laughed.

"Oh, also I got this text." I passed her my phone and showed her the text. Eve looked confused and frowned.

"That's not of my doing, sorry." Said Evelyn. Well if it wasn't her...then who was it? It could be anyone, anyone out of over 7 billion people. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Eve said she had to go. I was quite upset by this, I loved chatting here on the beach. We said our goodbyes and Eve disappeared into the many civilians walking down the dusty streets.

"I can't believe I've met my mum, my real mum!" Cheered Luna whilst laying down on the warm, golden sand. We joined her and laid there in silence and relief that it had all gone well.

"Damn I forgot to get a photo with her." Said Luna.

"Well we could meet her before we leave, or ask her to see us off when we leave." I suggested, Luna said it was a good idea. I was pretty sad that we were leaving in 2 days. I loved it here, but I still feel a bit sad and nervous and this wasn't good for me because you know what happens. We got up, dusted ourselves down and walked back to the hotel. We had spent hours on the beach and it was now 6:00pm, and I was pretty tired for some reason.


We hadn't done much since we got back. We just went for a swim in the pool and watched the act that was on by the poolside. Next we just ate dinner in the restaurant then came back up to our room. I was currently sat out on the balcony looking out over the city. The lights glistened from the many houses and apartment blocks and hotels. The sea lapped up on the sea shore. And there were sand sculptors on the beach, sculpting masterpieces with their bare hands. I watched in awe at their talent and skill. I wish I could do that, I said to myself. This city was beautiful. I fell asleep with my head resting on the half wall stopping you from falling off.


"Tom wake up, Tom." Said Charley as she shook me awake.

"W...what?" I murmured, still half asleep and pushing her off me.

"You fell asleep out here, and thought you might want to come inside."

"Okay thanks." I stood up, wobbling a bit, and wandered over to my bed. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and pushed my hair back. The time was 10:30pm and I couldn't be bothered to get undressed so I just took of my t shirt and just walked about in my jeans. None of us were asleep, we were just minding our own business. Jasmine and Charley were running through their 'YouTube favourites' playlist together and Scott was editing some videos. I and Luna decided to watch some Harry Potter movies together, which we ended up falling asleep too for 45 minutes. We both jumped awake when we heard a loud noise on the film, which was funny, and the others laughed at us.

I eventually turned off the film because everyone else was asleep including Luna. So I kind of felt a bit awkward and tired. I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth. Whilst brushing I saw a shiny metal object glisten from behind the sink. It felt like it was calling me, tempting me and tricking me. It was so tempting, but I told myself no and refused. I walked out the bathroom refusing to turn back and hopped into bed. Before going to sleep I put on my YouTube favourites playlist and put in my Apple earphones. This is what I usually did at home, fall asleep to YouTube because it helped calm me and I liked listening to something whilst I fell asleep. It killed the usual eerie silence which always filled the room before sleeping.

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