Keep Fighting

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I'm really sorry I haven't been updating much, I've been feeling a bit weird and just unmotivated. I think it's because I'm going back to school tomorrow and various other things. So here you are, it may not be a great chapter, but it's going to be a long one ^_^

Enjoy ^_^

The rest of the holiday passed by really quickly and by now it was time to go home. It was the last night, we were flying out tomorrow morning. We were all ready and packed and were now relaxing and were about to go to sleep. Our flight was at 11:00am so we had plenty of time, we were going to leave at 8:00am. It was now 11:35pm and the room was filled with quiet beats of music and keyboard clicks as we 'socialised' on our laptops. It was just me, Luna and Jasmine awake - but Jasmine kept drifting off to sleep and I had to keep waking her because she was writing a blog post. It was quite funny really. Me and Luna were watching films on our laptops and I was getting really tired and so was Luna. Luna, after 15 minutes, was doing the same thing as Jasmine and kept falling asleep on my shoulder until I nudged her awake.

I got so into the film that another hour passed and Jasmine & Luna had fallen asleep. I was left alone in the darkness, with Luna gently leaning on my shoulder. She was quietly snoring, I was excited to go home tomorrow and see my mum and get back to the surroundings I knew. Soon I had forgotten about the world around me thinking about everything old and new, sad and happy. Thinking was bad for me, and I was soon snapped out of my thoughts by Luna mumbling to me,

"Stop thinking so hard and sleep." Luna mumbled.

"How do you know?"

"Because you're staring into the distance and fumbling with your hands. Now sleep, its cold without you."

"Okay." I did as I was told and laid down, with Luna's head on my chest and her arms around my abdomen. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but I couldn't my mind was too awake. I laid there, eyes open and mind awake. I kept moving around and getting frustrated with myself. I hated not being able to sleep because I ended up crying usually. Everyone one around me was asleep and I was getting really angry. I got up quietly, grabbed my jacket and left. I was wearing my daytime clothes so I was fine.

I walked out into the slightly cool Brazilian air and walked across the road to the beach. It was about 12:30am and the beach was practically deserted. I was a bit jumpy because I knew some prostitutes could be about and dangerous people. I was on constant alert. I took my place on the beach and sat down in the sand and stared up into the black sky. Getting lost in the stars and sky. I dazed dumbly into the sky like I was insane, it was so beautiful.


After about 45 minutes of sitting there, I suddenly realised there was a tall dark shadow in front of me. I quickly darted my head round to find a man dressed in all black and with a very intimidating look on his face. His skin was fairly tanned so I presumed he was Brazilian. My whole body froze up and I didn't know what to do. This guy looked like the man in my nightmare I had ages ago (yeah remember that?). I stood up confronting this guy, but he was a lot taller than me. He kicked me in the shins making me almost fall down. I was so scared and thought I could die on this beach. I started running, well I was limping. But this man was running after me and was really fast. I did what my instincts told me and I fumbled around for my iPhone. I scrolled through the contacts and tapped on Scott's name. He was so close to me and pacing so quickly towards me. I carried on limping across the sand whilst calling Scott.

Scott's POV

My phone started buzzing next to me, which woke me up. It was early morning and Tom was ringing me? I picked up my phone and slid across to answer.

Stranger Girlحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن