Chapter 24

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The messages I kept getting on Snapchat was increasing. And it was mainly from the user "you must see this!" So I opened it like the idiot I was. A lot of messages popped up but only some caught my eyes.

Just do as I say and you wouldn't get hurt.

Stop trying to find Luke's killer because you will never.

You must hate your life.

To save yourself do as I say.

Or else I will kill you.

After reading those messages I didn't bother to read the others. It would just scare me more. I had to admit I was very scared and was willing to let someone know but I didn't want to drag anyone into this.

I saved the messages and went to the bathroom to get ready for school. When I got back to my room I noticed a small piece of paper sticking out of my black legging pocket so I pulled it out and saw it was a note. It said:



I immediately put this number in my phone contacts. Don't worry Joel we are going to get you out of the green snakes.

Jason was already downstairs when I got down and Amy was ready too. They had been living with us for a week but I begged Jason to stay another week. I wanted to make sure that before he goes he is 100% OK.

"Good morning Jason." I said. He replied with a quiet response. I picked up Amy before spinning her around and then resting her on my hips "Goodmorning Amy!"
"Good morning Cali." She must have heard Stephanie call me that a lot. Awww she thinks it's my actual name. I made chocolate pancakes for us. I sat Amy on a chair and set a plate of chocolate pancakes in front of her. She immediately started to eat, finishing almost the whole plate in under a minutes. On the other hand Jason barely ate.

"Jason please have a pancake." I begged while pushing the plate closer to him.
"I ate earlier when you were in the bathroom."
"No he didn't! I was here too Cali! I was hungry before then you came!"
I smiled at Amy before looking at Jason. "This is why I love children." I said. "Now eat Jason." He took a bite of the pancake and started chewing it. I ate my pancake and went to the sink before dumping my plate and Amy's in the sink. Jason still hadn't finished his pancake and didn't look like he wanted to.

Chocolate pancakes was the only thing I can make without poisoning anyone or burning the house down so if Jason doesn't like it that means I have to find an alternative. Not gonna happen!

"Amy please go to the living room. Daniel would soon be here to take us to school."
"OK Cali." I grabbed a chair and pulled it next to Jason while he continued eating slowly. "Your pancake is still missing the same piece from ten minutes ago."
He swallowed the small pancake piece which he had been chewing before asking "what do you mean?"
"I mean that you haven't had any more bites. Is it because you don't like it?"
"No I do. It's just I don't have an appetite for anything."
"What do you mean?"
"I can't eat Callar."
"Can't or won't?" I took some pancake in a folk and pretended that it was a plane. "Here comes the aeroplane."
He started to laugh which lead to me quickly shoving the pancake in his mouth. "There we go! Good boy Jase!" His eyes were filled with amusement as he swallowed the pancake. "What the actual hell? I am not Amy."
"But it's working right? You actually ate." I looked at my watch realising that we are going to be late for school and besides we needed to have Amy dropped in her primary school. "Let's go before we are late." I grabbed a cereal bar, a small packet of crisps and a water bottle for Jason. We got Amy and headed out on time as Daniel pulled over outside my house. We hopped into the car and Daniel took us straight there.


Surprisingly when I got to school Lily and Emily where there waiting for me. I was usually the one who waited for them but not today. They weren't alone though Mr Josh was with them.
"Hey Calli!" Lily said while hugging me. Emily was sitting on the table. She turned around and waved at me. I looked up at Mr Josh and saw him wiping the whiteboard.
"Where have you been all my life." Lily sang while pulling me to a chair and pushing me on it. I almost fell out of the chair and had to quickly balance myself to prevent falling on the ground.
"No where actually. Where have you been?" I asked while looking at Lily and Emily. Emily looked back at Mr Josh while Lily spoke up.

"We have been with Mr Josh. He is helping us understand health and social care a bit more."
"I thought he taught English." I said. That is when Mr Josh turned around to face me. "I actually teach maths but my younger brother did health and social care so I have an idea on what the essays are about." I nodded at his response.

It still didn't make sense though. Isn't that why we have Ms Helen. Something wasn't right. But that wasn't my issue right now. I quickly told them that I was going to go study room as I was ahead of work and didn't really want to be in class. They just carried on talking as if I hadn't said anything.

I rushed to the study room expecting an empty room but I saw Stephanie sitting by a computer typing. Stephanie never did coursework so why now. I looked over and saw Ms Marshall sitting by a wooden desk also typing something up.

"Hey Stephanie." I greeted. She pulled out a chair and instructed me to sit which I did. She pointed at her computer which looked like a map.

I knew she wasn't doing coursework!

"This is the plan laid out." Stephanie said pointing at the map. Stay with me Cali and pay attention because it can be quite hard to take in."
"What plan are we talking about?"
"The plan to help Joel escape the green snakes."
"Right! I am all ears."
"OK so the plan is we are going to go to a party hosted by the leader of the green snakes." She paused for a bit before continuing. "My boyfriend."
"You are dating him?!"
"It's to make sure Joel is OK?" She said while looking at her plan.
"How did you meet Joel?" I asked.
"I grew up in a rough area and Joel's older brother used to look out for me when I was younger."
"Is he in the green snakes as well?"
"He died." She looked down at her hands. "He died because of me."
"I told him to leave the green snakes and he listened." She looked me in face as she said the next part. "This is why we need to get Joel out."
"You may not like the plan but please go along with it."
"OK. What is it?" Stephanie smiled awkwardly while scratching her head.
"You have to try and get close to Ricky's older brother." I frowned while shaking my head. No flipping way I am loosing my virginity to help anyone. I am not saying Stephanie does this but seriously no way. No!

"Forget it Stephanie." I got out my phone and started to text Daniel. "I will just tell Daniel what is going on. Maybe he can help." Before being able to click send my phone was snatched out of my hands. Stephanie took my phone and sat on it.

"You are not telling officer Daniel. You can do this! I am not saying sleep with the guy just try and get him to take an interest in you!"
"Who is Ricky?" I asked
"My boyfriend."
"So I have to date his older brother."
"Yes." I let out a groan of frustration.
"How old is this guy?"
You are lucky I am not a quitter Joel. I looked at Stephanie.
"How does me dating this guy help?"
"Well if you gain his trust you would be able to know what he is planning and if he actually falls for you then you can convince him to let Joel free. He tells Ricky what to do and how to run things so dating him would be awesome."
"Brilliant! On Friday evening I will come to your house and get ready with you. Don't worry I will bring the dresses we would be wearing."
"Maybe it's best if we did this at your house."
"How come?"
"Do you really think Miranda, my mum or Daniel would let me go out late?" Stephanie stared at the keyboard for a bit while thinking about it.
"That's true. Don't worry I will just tell her I am having a sleepover and you are invited."
"That means I actually have to sleep over."
"You will. After the party." Stephanie smiled at me before looking at her computer and typing.

I am taking the risk yet again.

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