Timberwolf Express-and the Testing of My Patience

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Met my teachers for the first time.
All the ones who were there were nice.
I got to pass by old friends,
and we both said hello after months apart.
But the waiting I had endure
when I finally left the school-
that torture started when Grandpa took me to the now-dead Sam's Club,
and everything went downhill from there.

A woman's car lost gas,
so my grandpa and the mechanics
had to push her car up to the gas station.
Tried standing outside
and chilling in the van-
but there was no chill-
My skin was in flames
just from waiting for like half an hour!

The reason why we were at Sam's Club at all
was because my grandpa had to get the van's tires changed,
so we finally went inside,
the fresh wind of the AC cool to the burnt skin-
but I shouldn't have had my hopes up,
because I now had to wait even longer!

I had to basically just sit on a bench for over half an hour-
or was it over an hour?
I don't even remember,
but it was one long wait, that's for sure!
Waiting for the tires
was one huge testing of my patience,
and boy was I in a horrible mood
during that long and boring period of wasted time.

Had nothing but my phone.
Was so bored I did an updated report of that hour-
the hour after the Timberwolf Express,
which had led to the testing of my patience.

After the excruciating time it took for the van's tires,
we finally headed home.
It was already dark outside by the time we were done,
and I was definitely ready to go home.

I remember lots of things from that day,
so I remembered when me and Grandpa met my first teacher-
my advisory teacher, to be exact-
he and she had acknowledged the hurricane warnings.
When I heard about that, I had wondered,
"Was it possible that school could be pushed back?"

It was possible-
because Harvey ended up coming in
to delay school
and bring destruction
to my hometown
after all.

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