Exhausted from You

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I called you more than a dozen times,
and you never picked up that Saturday.
I thought I would be fine,
but your ignorance eats me up inside.

Once I lifted my head from the pillow that next Sunday,
I opened my eyes...
and I was so tired,
I couldn't even think straight!

Stumbling on my legs the whole day,
too tired to keep my eyes open,
walking through that Sunday was exhausting.
It didn't help that I had to walk through a mall
and run errands when all I wanted to do was to crawl-
to crawl home and sleep!

You left me here,
exhausted because of you,
not knowing what it was like
to actually be alone
even when you have many friends
waiting around you

I called you only once that Sunday,
and you said sorry.
I felt better right then,
but you still got me
exhausted from you
like a sleepyhead.

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