EPILOGUE: Have You Ever Wondered?

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Have you ever wondered
what it feels like
to lose your innocence and purity?
'Cause I have, and I've experienced it.

Have you ever wondered
what it feels like
to lose your friend
before you had the chance to tell them you even cared?
'Cause I have, and I've experienced that, too.

Have you ever wondered
what it feels like
to have strangers and bullies
judge your every move-
your every word or act or intelligence?
'Cause I have, and I've experienced it.

Feeling like none of your friends know you;
Feeling like none of them even care
as I make mistakes time and time again;
as my friends slip away from my grasp;
as tainted words splatter all over my dark canvas
and break the mirror with my very own acne-filled reflection;
as my pieces fall, and I wonder
what it would feel like to be truly unbroken and happy...

I try to dig out
broken pieces of my soul
as I fall down an endless void,
and the pieces stained my canvas
with drops of darkness
as I close my eyes,
knowing this was it-
I would live broken and hurt
as my friends look down when I tumble
and not even giving me a hand....
I wondered what it would feel like
to have friends who really cared.

Have you ever wondered
what it felt like
to fly through soft clouds
with everyone you know?
Your friends, your family-your loved ones
and feel like the broken pieces of your reflection
is finally flying back into place?
The feeling that those beside you
really cared about you?
The strangers' words that had once been splattered on your canvas
have now disappeared,
and instead replaced with a splash of love?
'Cause I have, and the experience left me truly unbroken and happy.

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