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Love never lies.
Love never dies.
Is this the inspiring truth,
or is this all a lie?

Movies love to romanticize
how life will treat you
and how love comes to you as easy as pie,
but movies are not reality,
'cause life is really cruelty.

Have you ever heard of the story
about the perfect couple
that would one day walk down that aisle
and be happy without any conflict whatsoever?
I haven't,
because it will never happen.

People make mistakes.
People get angry.
People talk,
and people fight.

You always hang on to the hope
That your love with someone
that never lead to heartbreak;
will never end with you drowning in your own tears....
You always hope
that the love you cherish so much
will never lie
and will never die.

Can this ever truly happen?
I don't know...


Love, Loss, and LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon