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All of my friends
tend to be sleepyheads.
I don't know why,
but it makes me want to strangle the guy.

This guy I know comes in the morning
and bangs his head against the wall.
I pull him out
and yell, "WAKE UP!"

He moans, "I'm tired,"
and I say, "You always are,"
and that's was part of the old daily routine
that annoys me enough to get used to it.

There's also this one girl
that I've known more than half my life,
and whenever I text her,
she's either being a bookworm
or a sleepyhead.

But it was when
my best friend started ignoring me
just to catch his beauty rest
that I was starting
to get pretty annoyed.
All I do is roll my eyes the first few times,
then I start to wonder... he ignoring me on purpose?

Multiple calls-
both video and audio-
don't get answered
from 8 to 11.
I start to lose
what should've been hope,
and now I lay here
typing up this poem.

There are times when I
have nightmares of friends
abandoning me
because of their own selfish reasons.
You promised me with a Steve Carell wink gif,
and I made sure you knew
I wasn't playing around
when it came to abandoning your friends.

Is it just me,
or are you abandoning me
after promising me
that you would never do such a thing?

The overwhelming urge to strangle you
has always been strong,
but should I do more
than just dream about it, sleepyhead?

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