Ghost of You

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You don't haunt my dreams anymore.
You aren't in every conversation anymore.
My friends don't think about you at all,
but I still do even in the most fun of times.

Finally downloaded Snapchat.
Been adding friends,
and they've been adding me.
I asked the Ocean Man to get you to me
as he had finally reached you a while ago.

Poems of you posted all over my story,
raising awareness of how much I miss you,
but when the Ocean Man finally
gave me your snap,
I added you...
and you still haven't responded back at all.

The ghost of you is haunting me again
and the worst part is I know
somehow, somewhere,
you're still out there....

People say that we should move on,
but I'm afraid that I will move on.
I want to talk to you before I finally forget you.
I want to talk to you before you forget me
...or have you forgotten about me already?

I can't get rid of the ghost of you
till you stop being a ghost
and revert back to being my friend,
but that can't happen
if you're just someone I wait for
till we meet again.

What makes waiting for you worse
is the knowledge that rediscovering me
is as easy as acting like you're crazy.
You can just pick up your phone,
notice that I've added you,
and I would hope that you'd remember me
and add me back...

but until that day when you come back-
if that day ever happens-
it's up to you if we'll be good friends again
or if the ghost of you
will forever haunt me....

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