Broken Promises 🅴

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Not again, Ocean Man.
You already know how I feel
whenever you don't answer.
You promised that you never ignored me.
It's just that you have stuff to do, that's all.

I'm positively sure that I'll forgive you,
and I bet that you'll say you've just forgotten,
but this was a promise that you kept-
a promise that you insisted that
you would hold onto...
but that's clearly not the case, it seems.

It's not that you don't care;
it's not that you ignore me;
and it's not that you aren't my friend,
but you leave a trail
of broken promises
at your wake...
and the list is piling up, Ocean Man.

I said I'd give you Skittles,
and I'm wondering now if you promised
to do the things I needed you to do
only because you would get Skittles
or because you knew it was important to me....

The overwhelming urge to strangle you
rages each time those little requests
become broken promises
I know you mean well,
but a promise is a promise,
and I don't ever want to believe
that promises were made to be broken.

That is why I'm scared
that you'll break the one single promise
that I need you to keep
for our friendship and my own morality:
that you'll stop me from being a mean bitch,
and that you'll stop me
from hurting myself
over the edge...
if it ever happens at all.

So I pray
that today is the day
that you'll start to learn
how to keep promises unbroken
as they should be.

Some of these broken promises
have helped me learn more on friendship,
but if you break this important promise,
these broken promises
will haunt me in what will feel like forever.

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