So Long and Farewell, MT.

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Known you since second grade.
Hair went down from long to short to long again.
That is how much time has passed,
and now you're finally leaving...

We've both gained new friends.
We always insult each other,
and now you have to leave
after having fun here
for the past half decade.

I know a certain someone who likes you,
and he was smitten at the sound of MT.
You decided to be friends with him,
and he had hoped that would lead to something.

You annoy me-us, to be honest
from the way you like to ignore
and acknowledge how annoying I am,
but I hope
in your new school,
you'll know you still have friends
waiting right here.

And hey, at least there was warning
that you were leaving.
So long and farewell, MT.
I know I'll be there in Saturdays,
and I know you'll still live across from me...
but it's still been nice knowing you. :)

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