Wish I'd Never Grown Up

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So much responsibility.
No more carefree
days where we all danced in the playground.

No more fun days.
Just more test days.
Why do you drug us
into being grownups?

What an amazing thing it would be
to be an innocent child again;
to not have the world watching you;
to not have drama spread around you;
to not have overwhelming emotions
that determine how your day's gonna go.

Oh, I wish I'd never grown up.
If I hadn't, life wouldn't be so harsh on me.
Life would have equality;
life would have purity;
life would have nothing but happiness
as life once did.

But the thing is
life has never been that easy.
People have grown up before us,
and they have suffered as teens
and suffered as adults.

We, as kids,
always dream of being adults,
as that's the time in our lives
where we get to do
whatever we want,
but you see, here's another thing:
life doesn't work that way at all.

I'm only twelve,
but I'm also almost thirteen-
almost a teen!
On my way to being an adult,
and with everything I've already learned,
I'm not really looking forward to it
as I once did.

Life will throw
what it wants to throw at me,
and when I endure it,
I won't be alone;

but sometimes,
there are moments in life
where I think to myself:
I wish I'd never grown up.

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