Sometimes 🅴

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there are people who will tell you stuff,
and you're gonna believe them
because you think you can separate
gossip from facts;
but at the end of the day,
you can't.

you will see your friends go through heartbreak,
and you'll wanna comfort them,
but sometimes they don't want you to.

you're gonna feel lonely
and wanna try to build close friendships
with your acquaintances.

you will get mad at your best friend
for stuff that, at the end of the day,
will end up being no big deal at all.

you may end up hitting rock bottom,
and whether you like it or not,
you're gonna feel like there's no way out.

You're gonna look at yourself
and realize you may have become
something you never wanted to be-
something you despise.

you may not only hate those around you,
but you're gonna end up hating yourself.
You better either learn
from whatever mistakes you made
and learn to love yourself and others
even if they make you mad,
or if you make them mad.

you just gotta look up and see the bright side of things.
You're gonna have to climb your way out of rock bottom,
and where you end up
is love and experience.

you may do stuff you'll regret later on,
but that's just part of the experience
that will help you be a better person.

life ain't gonna give you the shit,
because you're gonna have to do that yourself,
and as long as you try,
you'll make it.

life will get you down more times than you would expect,
but don't let that stop you for doing what you want and need.
As long as you keep your head up;
as long as you try to be your best self;
as long as you care
about what you're doing in life
and for those around you,

you'll end up living life
without wondering about
all the "sometimes".

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