Ocean Man

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inspired by the song, "Ocean Man" by Ween

Been lonely for quite a while
without any actual real friends.
Then the one and only Ocean Man
comes along to save me
from my utter loneliness.

You're my best friend, Ocean Man,
and I wanted you to take me by the hand
and lead me to the land
that you understand...

but now that may never happen
and here's why, Ocean Man:

you make me feel like
you don't even consider
why I call so much
or why I get angry

You're annoying as hell,
but at least I thought you cared.
So far, you've promised that you did,
and I believed you-
but it seems like you don't.

You ask me to understand,
and I do.
I understand that you may be busy
or that you just aren't feeling it-
and that's okay.
We all have those days.

But now I'm asking
for you to understand.
I'm saying I always have the feeling
that everything you've said about me
being your "broske",
your "bra",
your "brother,"
about trying to be a good friend-
is all a lie.

Whenever I call,
I can tell
that you don't care.
In fact,
it's like you're always annoyed.
I don't know how I'm not annoyed
with your random sayings
about your Ocean Man stories,
or Mr. Krabs,
or Patrick Star,
but it has to stop.

I don't know what to do.
I considered you my best friend-
my Hispanic, African-American brother-
but I don't think
you even give a second thought
as to what goes on
inside me.

Vy said that you were too nice
to ever ignore me
on purpose like this,
and I totally agree.
That is what makes me even more pissed.

Whenever you promise to do something,
most of the time
you tend to forget
over and over again,
and I think
you really do try to ignore me
on purpose.

You always say you're game needs you,
or that you ate pizza
and took a nap.
I've forgiven you for those excuses-
but not anymore,
because you always say stuff like that
just to get away from talking to me.

I'm sorry for being
your most demanding friend ever,
but the real reason
why you're my best friend
is because I've never actually had one before-
not any real ones, anyway.

But you've been nice, funny,
and annoying enough
to light up my day.

Now whenever I look at you,
there's always that boiling anger
that threatens to strangle you to death.

There's also utter disappointment,
and I don't want to feel that way
toward you at all.
If you want to be a good friend
as you claim, Ocean Man,
then I hope you think hard
about what I'm saying.

I want you to prove me wrong.
Prove to me that you'll be a good friend.
Prove to me that you're not what I'm making you out to be....
I'll never let you take me by the hand
if you won't understand,
Ocean Man.

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