The Overwhelming Urge to Strangle You

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The overwhelming urge to strangle you
burns so bright not even ice can extinguish it.
The overwhelming urge to strangle you
is as strong as the flames that lick
the phoenix's tail.
The overwhelming urge to strangle you
cannot be tamed by any hand,
because this friendship
is built on
the overwhelming urge to strangle you.

The overwhelming urge to strangle you
ain't what you would want to feel
for someone you hang out with,
and yet here we are
as you break your promises
like shaving off my skin;
as if I'm the homework
you tossed over to your dog
and let him tear me to shreds-
as I gain the urge
to do the exact same thing
to you.

But still you really do seem to care
about who you hurt around you
and wanting to be a good friend,
even if it's just for
a king-size Twix bar.
You bring me laughter and joy
from all of your quirks and pranks.
You bring me annoyance and anger
from your forgetfulness and obliviousness
at the way you forget your promises.
You bring me frustration
at the way you care
even when you don't act like it at all.

If you say you would never abandon me;
if you say you would never sabotage me;
if you say you completely trust me
as I've completely trusted you,
then why would you
try to hurt me
when all you're really trying to do
is be a good friend?

The overwhelming urge to strangle you
may fuel my frustrations over you,
but I wouldn't have it any other way
because you're my best friend,
and I'd be completely fine
spending my life
with the overwhelming urge
to strangle you. :)

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