So Hot and Spicy I'll Vomit

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Andy switches our trays,
and I complain.
He says it'll be fine,
and I go along with it like I shouldn't have...

I had just eaten a Twix bar,
and now Cecilia's giving me
this weird bread-thingy
that's so sweet,
my mouth bathes in the spiciest of flames!

Adding to the spiciness,
Andy's spicy chicken burns my tongue.
It shouldn't hurt at all-
but it does.

Nausea chomps its way in my upset stomach.
I feel acids churning inside with the food,
feeling so hot and spicy I'll vomit.
Fourth period was one to remember
as I asked Ms. Walker if I could go...

before immediately throwing up in the trash can.

Carrying the trash bin to the nurse's office,
then throwing up for the second and last time,
I wait for my grandpa to pick me up.
Class is still going on,
then the bell rings.
Then it rings again.
Fifth period has started.

My teachers will wonder where I am.
Hopefully Andy will inform Mrs. Richardson,
then tell our friend, Tuan,
so that he can inform Mrs. Gilmour;
but who will tell Ms. Bunting?

I can't believe I'm saying this-
but I wish I was still in class.
Not only was I missing out on learning,
but I was also missing out on all the fun.

I think all of this to myself
as I watch TV while stuffing my mouth
with yummy saltine crackers-
alone at home.

A friend of mine practically begs me for forgiveness
the very next day
I forgive her-
but she isn't the one that needs to apologize.

Andy the StephenKiller,
the one who had switched my trays,
was apparently the one everyone blamed,
and I'm glad they did-it still cracks me up!

Cecilia was the one to blame too
with that sweet bread that still disgusts me.
I don't know how Emily could handle such a "treat,"
But Cecandy (and sorta the begging friend too) was to blame, sadly.

Now I'm sitting here with my lunchbox,
torturing him with my piece of ham.
I've technically already forgiven Andy,
but wouldn't it be nice,
since what he gave me
was so hot and spicy I vomited?
that I would make sure he was truly sorry-
but just for making me go home early...

but for being a bad ocean man?

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