Pedro the Gummy Bear

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Oh, Pedro the Gummy Bear!
She squeezed you in
down the tube
straight to your imminent

Oh, Pedro the Gummy Bear!
You were captured by the trio of witches
and forced into an experiment
that would end your very

Oh, Pedro the Gummy Bear!
Oh how glorious it admittedly was
to see you fly into the sky
with smoke trailing your path
as you exploded from the witches'
magic chemicals
that took you away.

Your human brother
had to watch you leave
without even getting a proper goodbye.
So why, Pedro,
would you leave me
before I even had a chance
to say, "Goodbye"?

It was when you left,
away from the witches' school,
that I realized
I should've been the one
to be the good friend
and promise that one day soon
I'd see you around.

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