Friday the 13th

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The lights go dim,
and all I see is him.
He stares right through my lenses
as if he is sucking up all my sins.
I say "I'm sorry,"
but he just stands there
before putting on a mask
and pulling out a chainsaw.

He chases me down the hall
as I push through doors away from walls.
I beg for forgiveness,
but he doesn't want my foolishness.
I stumble into a classroom...
and the chainsaw cuts on my back.

Instead of dying,
I tumble into an abyss
and fall through water
that had accumulated from
drops of red rain.
All of a sudden,
he runs right past me...

but he isn't wielding a chainsaw.
He isn't wearing a mask.
With his short height and backpack,
wearing that signature ugly sweater of his,
he runs for his life...
I run with him.

He looks back,
but he doesn't see me.
I look behind myself
and see the demons of my past.
They let me off in peace...
but not him.

The demon's mouth of fire
sucks up the guy with the backpack
in that ugly sweater of his,
and I close my eyes,
fall to my knees,
and cry.

He's been gone for the past four months.
It gets easier as time flies by,
but the pain of missing him
knowing I wasn't the friend I could've been-
the friend I should've been-
cuts me like Jason's chainsaw...

The lights stay dim,
and all I see...
is you.

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