17. "I thought you loved mommy."

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A knock was heard on the door.

I pause my show, walking over to the door. I unlocked it, twisting the doorknob.

There stood Meredith.

I slightly gasped, surprised to see her at my doorstep.

I shook my head to get rid of my crazy thoughts, and welcomed her in.

She sat down, on one of the couches, as I sat down on the same couch as her. I smiled at her, wondering why she'd come here.

My ex-husband's mother was standing in front of my doorstep.

She sent me a sympathetic look, licking her lips, preparing herself for a speech. Once she was all done, she began talking. "I just want to apologize for my son's actions."

I chuckled in response. "You don't have to apologize. It wasn't your fault." Meredith opened her mouth to speak again, but I proceeded my talking. "-It was his. Not yours."

"He's miserable without you," Meredith implied.

I rolled my eyes, scoffing. "It doesn't seem that way."

"Just ask Hayden." Meredith smiled.

Johnny is staying at Hayden's, I'm sure Hayden knows what's going on with him. I made a mental note to myself, reminding myself to ask Hayden about him.

Meredith started thinking while biting her fingernail. "If you don't mind me asking, how did he exactly cheat on you?"

"You heard Nadia yesterday, he kissed her." Johnny and Meredith were having a heated talk last night, didn't he tell her what happened?

"Yeah, I know that. But, I want to know the details. And Johnny won't tell me anything."

I parted my lips, contemplating whether or not to tell her. It's a sensitive subject, I'd probably burst into tears. I already told my mom and Annie. Eh, a few details won't hurt anyone.

"There isn't much to say," I shrugged. "I went to Hayden's house, and found him kissing Nadia. Annie told me Nadia has liked him for a while now."

Meredith sighed, clearly uncomfortable even mentioning this topic. She changed the subject. "Where's Lauren? I want to see my granddaughter."

"She's in her room, I'll go get her." I jumped out fo my seat, leaving the living room and entering Lauren's room. I told her to come down, saying her grandma was here.

She ran down the stairs, engulfing Meredith in a big hug.

Lauren's features remind me so much of Johnny. I miss him so much, that I once tried to kiss Lauren, thinking she was Johnny.

I've gone crazy.

I had to stay away from her for a whole hour. I needed to punish myself, because Johnny wasn't there to punish me (A/N: hehe). Leaving your child unattended isn't smart, but I had to get rid of my thoughts before seeing her again.

To rid my thoughts, I went on Johnny's Instagram and stared at Johnny's pictures for around an hour. That sounds really stalker-like, but it really helped, and I haven't tried anything like that ever since.

A ring was heard from the door.

Whom could it be this time?

I speed-walked to the door, opening it.

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