19. "It's worth a shot."

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You guys are always there for me, and you always make me happy. I've spent the whole summer on you, and summer is coming to a end very soon. Without you 2, I wouldn't even have Wattpad. So thank you😘



Lauren and I arrived at the park. Brynn was already seated on one of the swings when we got there.

I told her I didn't want to sit on the swings– it gave me too many vibes from the other day we spent at Annie's house. So we began walking around the park, talking.

Lauren was playing in the park, while I looked at her from time to time.

"I met Carson when I was 19," Brynn talked, as we both strolled side-by-side, through the park.

I nodded, allowing her to proceed. "We met at an ice cream shop, weirdly. We exchanged numbers after that and began to talk. If it wasn't for me wanting ice cream that day, I wouldn't have even met him," Brynn ranted.

I sadly smiled, jealous of their perfect relationship. Things with Johnny and I didn't really work out. We also used to be the perfect couple that everyone was envious of, but, sadly, nothing perfect can last forever.

He cheated on me because he wasn't getting enough attention. I should've noticed, that day all 3 of us were sitting in the living room. I should've taken that as a hint that something would happen.

But I didn't. I just thought it was another small, pointless, fight. Instead of paying attention to Annie's weird behavior, I should've been paying attention to Nadia's perky attitude.

But I didn't do that either. As much as I'd like to, I can't change the past. And I can't control other people's actions either. 

I took a glance around the park, to find Lauren playing on the slide. There were some high school kids on the slide close to her, but I didn't mind.

I looked back at Brynn, who stopped her ranting and took a moment to think. Once she done, she parted lips and went back to thinking.

I raised one of my eyebrows, confused. She shook her head, and began talking. "I don't know if I should ask you this, but when was the last time Lauren saw her father?"

"About 30 minutes ago, actually," I grinned. 

Brynn thought I was keeping her from her father, which isn't the case. he breathed out an "oh," and went back to rambling about her and Carson.

I glanced back at the slide, hoping to find Lauren there.

She wasn't. And neither were the highschool kids.

I immediately grew panicked, thinking the worst.

What if they took her?

What if something happened to her?

Or maybe she's just playing with them.

I climbed up the playground, getting closer and closer to the slide. I looked around, she wasn't there.

Brynn came up the playground after a couple seconds, nudging me on the shoulder. "Kenzie, what's wrong?"

I didn't turn around, all I did was mutter "Lauren."

I felt Brynn wince, as she responded "What about Lauren?"

I turned my body towards her this time, running my hands through my hair. "She's not here." I gasped, realizing what this meant. "She's not here!" I screamed louder.

Brynn attempted to calm me down, as I examined around the park, hoping to find Lauren somewhere.

She was nowhere to be found.

Brynn and I went back to walking around the trail. We were wishing Lauren would show up somewhere. Even though the chances are low, she could be in the woods?

My anxiety came rushing through me.

Oh god. What would Johny think of me losing Lauren? He'd probably kill me. Legit kill me. Just like how I would kill him if her ever lost Lauren like I did right now.

What if he begins dating Nadia just to get back at me? Then they end up falling in love, and they get married and make their own children. Johnny would get to live happily ever after, I would still be over here mourning over Lauren's absence. No one would want to be around me knowing I lost my child.

I'm going crazy.

What if she really is gone? 

I took a deep breath, striving to calm myself down. 

These are all just ifs. I can handle everything after I find out Lauren actually is missing. I know nothing right now.

Once we finally finish worriedly walking the whole trail, we still didn't find her. I was pacing back and forth out of anxiety, while Brynn was just thinking.

"What if she's in the woods?" Brynn suggests.

I stop my pacing, staring at her. "Maybe." I ran my hands through my hair, trying to stop myself from getting an anxiety attack. "It's worth a shot."

Brynn and I began walking through the woods, searching for Lauren. There were tons of branches everywhere, from the many trees that were scattered around everywhere.

Brynn and I were struggling to even move. But I'd do anything to find Lauren at this point.

From the distance, I spot a small figure. I motion for Brynn to walk in the direction of the figure, and we both started towards it.

The view came cleared and clearer every few steps I walked. 

Once I realized it actually was Lauren, I began running towards her, with Brynn following after me.

We got to the area where Lauren was. Once I saw the scene, I gasped.

The teenagers we saw at the park were clinging onto Lauren's arms. She's 3, could she really be that strong.

The last teenager left was a few feet across from Lauren, with his gun pointed at her head, ready to shoot.

She was screaming and crying, jumping to try and get out of their rough grips. I was frozen, Brynn was too.

What led up to this?

I gulped, nudging Brynn on the shoulder. Those 3 teenagers haven't noticed us yet, thanks to all of the branches blocking our faces.

Without much thinking, I cleared the branches, grabbing Brynn's hand and pulling u into their view. She stumbled a bit, but stood up straight right after.

The three teenagers attention shirt to Brynn and I. They come lunging towards us, stupidly letting Lauren go.

Lauren screams "mommy!"

I slowly back away, screaming "Lauren, run! T-To Hayden's house, go get them Now!" Without another word said, Lauren ran out of the woods.

The three teenagers were glaring at us. That's the last thing I saw, before everything went black.


A/N: Nothing really happened in this chapter.

This is the last day till summer is over, for me. 

I'll still be active, on Wattpad, probably on my phone while the teacher is teaching a lesson lmao. 

Hopefully my updating sceduale doesn't get messed up.

I'll post a chapter tomorrow, like while I'm at school. Just so I can read ur comments while I'm at school, and not be bored asf, sitting in a corner alone.

I hate school with all my heart.

I wanted to finish 'It's been a year' before school starts, but I'm going to right some of it once school starts. It's almost done anyways, so whatever.

-1212 Words.

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