{Chapter 19}

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**I'm feeling sick**

Shay tossed and turned in bed feeling miserable at her stuffy nose. Spending so much time in the rain lastnight cause her to caught a cold.

"Stupid cold!" She whinned

Shay didn't like when she got sick beside her nose was stuffy and her head hurts. She remembered lastnight in the garden and a smile played in her lips as she lazily got out of bed.

"Ahchoo " she sneezed

She went to the bathroom and got napkins to clean her nose. After taking a early morning shower Shay went back to put on her clothes but she was feeling weak.

She lay in bed for a few minutes trying to gain some strength but she felt worst by the minutes passing by. A knocked came on the door and she weakly told the person to come in.

"Good morning, why are you not up?" Patrice said walking in the room.

"I think I'm having the flu" her weak voice spoke.

"How comes?" Patrice asked feeling her temperature

"I was in the rain lastnight" she said weakly.

"In the rain? Why?" Patrice asked confused.

Shay just realized what she said and she couldn't tell Patrice the real reason so she lied.

"I fell asleep in the garden and the rain caught me before I could get in side" she lied.

"Silly girl... Your temperature is high" Patrice Sigh heavily.

"I'm gonna get you some cold tablets I'll be right back" Patrice told her before heading out the door.


"Leon! Leon!" Sun Hi called peeking into her brother's rooms.

Leon was still in bed which surprised Sun Hi, she never seen him slept so late on a work day. She gentle shoved his shoulder for him to wake.

"Leon its getting late" she said shoving him.

"Can't you leave me alone?" He growled.

Sun Hi noticed how pale he looked and his voice was raspy, he was struggling to breath through his nose.

"Leon are you OK?" Sun Hi asked worried

"I'm not feeling well" his voice barely heard.

Sun Hi felt his temperature and he was very hot. " You need to see a doctor Leon, you're burning up " she said worried.

"I'll be find Sun Hi, just go to school OK?" He said trying to get out of bed.

"Fine but I'm bringing you some flu tablets before I leave" Sun Hi warned like she was the older one.

After taking the pills Sun Hi brought, Leon was feeling better and he called his office informed them he wasn't Coming in today. He managed to took a shower got dressed and went to checked on Shay.

He was hoping she didn't get sick like him and he blame himself if she is. He walked down to the kitchen and saw Patrice busy making chicken soup.

"Good morning sir" Patrice greet first

"What's up with the chicken soup this early?" He asked ignoring her greeting.

"It's for Shay she had the flu" Patrice said worried.

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