21 | where do broken hearts go?

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"Tell me now, tell me now, tell me where you go when you feel afraid?

Tell me now, tell me now, tell me will you ever love me again, love me again?

Now I'm searching every lonely place,

Every corner calling out your name,

Tryna find you but I just don't know,

Where do broken hearts go?"

-- One Direction

{ Things to look out for }

(y/n) -- Your name

(r/n) -- Random name

Ricky Accardo

The sun is shining brightly outside, a contrast to the world of a heartbroken girl. For her, the weather in her world is rainy and thunders are rumbling in the dark grey sky. It resembles on how she feels. The rain is the tears that fall from her eyes, the rumble of thunder is the anger she felt towards the person she thought would never betray her, and the dark sky is the feeling of disappointment and betrayal deep within her heart.

She kept asking herself 'why?', the reason behind his actions today. 'Is it all just a game for him from the start? Is it all just a lie? Is it just a one-sided kind of thing? Am I the only one who feels this way from the start?' these thoughts are filling her mind as she just stares into space with tear stained cheeks.

She's beginning to doubt their relationship, and when doubt comes, trust will slowly fade away.

The negativity of her mind starts to make her distrust him as time passed by. 'How long has he been doing this? Did he always act like this when I'm not around? How could he? . . .', she thought as she gritted her teeth and clenched the cloth of her skirt in her fists, trying to prevent another sob from coming out of her mouth. She's tired, she doesn't want to cry anymore.

Even though she thinks that way, she can't help the tears that are starting to fall once again. No one can prevent a broken heart from spilling all the pain they feel.

As she lowered her head to hide her face, the purse that she threw on the floor earlier caught her eyes. There, peeking out of her purse is a picture of her and Ricky. They look happy in the photo, both are smiling brightly while she's holding a gold medal in her right hand as Ricky hugs her from behind.

She pick up the photo and slowly brings it up to get a closer look. She sadly smiled as she looks at it, "Is this fake too?"

With both of her hands, she holds the top side of the photo, ready to rip it when the door to the rooftop suddenly slams open. The slamming of the door startled her, causing her to drop the picture.

"Finally. I finally found you . . .", he said, still panting from running around the school to find her.

He takes a step towards the girl, but she quickly stood up, slightly losing her balance as she did so. She tried to appear strong with a glare set and stand tall, but her red face and puffy eyes tell otherwise. "What are you doing here?", she asked with a harsh tone while keeping a safe distance between them.

"(Y/n) . . . I didn't mean it.", he said slowly, and tried to step forward again but (y/n) took a step back in return. He looks in her eyes and search for something, but what he saw makes his heart ache painfully. He knows nothing will be the same when he saw her eyes, but he will never give up trying to win her back. Though first, he has to fix his mistake.

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