The village part 2

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I could see the sergeant following me back to the barracks, I could hear her shouting my name, but I just kept walking. The things I did today, were fucked up to say the least, its a good thing the sarge didn't see what I did, lets just say their deaths weren't peaceful...

Sgt. Rose PoV

I kept shouting at him but he just kept walking until he got to his bunk where he just sat down then held his head in his hands, just like he did yesterday after I was shot and we lost two people to that sniper.

He was still covered in blood, he didn't seem to notice, it seemed he was in another dimension.

After about 30 seconds he looked up at me.

Y/N: "Why the hell did we go there?"

It seemed like he was angry, confused and sad all at the same time when he asked that

Sgt. Rose: "I don't have a fucking clue, but let me ask you something, what the fuck happened to you, and why did you have your knife in that mans skull?"

He just looked at me and he looked like he had seen a ghost. He just looked back down and began crying.


Flashback to the village

We were under heavy fire so when I got the chance I ran around to the other side of the hostiles, the stupid fuck I am dropped my gun while I was climbing over a wall, I went back to get it but it had just vanished, so I resorted to my knife. I snuck up behind a lone soldier and proceeded to slit his throat, he turner around and his blood sprayed over me, the hard parts were when I had to take out multiple hostiles. When I approached an mg nest there were two soldiers, I punched one knocking him out and stabbed the other in the throat before stabbing the unconscious one. I proceeded like this until the final one started to run so I tackled him and stabbed him in the head.

Flashback over

Unknown soldiers walked into the village

???: "What in the hell happened here?"

???: "I think im going to be sick"

They saw dead talibans who from the looks of it had been disembowelled with a knife.

one of the mysterious soldiers began to vomit.

The other just looked in shock...


Author here just to let you know Ive got big plans for the future of this story, next chapter will be a timeskip to where Y/N is part of the Royal Marines.

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