The interrogation

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Y/N: "So where to start, hmm"

Y/N: "Ah yes..."

He pulled out a towel and a bucket of water, as the terrorist was on the bed in the infirmary Y/N put the towel over the terrorists head and started to water board him.

Y/N stopped to let the terrorist breath every few seconds,

After 4 buckets of water the terrorist still wouldn't talk.

Six was watching it through the camera, she watched Y/N pull the towel off to reveal a terrorist gasping for air.

Y/N: "Ready to talk you little shit!"

Terrorist: "F-*cough*fuck you"

Y/N: "Well lets move on to the next item"

Dokkaebi had hacked into the camera system and was watching the live footage with a few operators.

Y/N picked up his engraved knife from the table and walked over to the terrorist.

Y/N: "Im gonna be nice and simple, you don't talk, you lose a finger.

The terrorist remained silent

Y/N: "Ok then"

He cut off the terrorists right index finger.

The terrorist screamed in pain.

The terrorist wouldn't talk, and he had lost all of his right hand fingers.

Y/N stopped the bleeding so he could continue.

Y/N: "Tough one aren't you? Its a shame you joined the wrong side, now here are your choices, tell me everything you know...or you lose your right leg."

Y/N glanced at the camera, he disabled it.

Six's and Dokkaebi's camera feed went static, but the sounds of screams echoed through the halls of the base.

Timeskip 6 hours

The terrorist was still alive due to getting treatment from Y/N to keep him alive. He has told Y/N everything he knew.

Y/N walked out of the door and went to Six's office to drop off the file he made with all the information he gathered.

Six: "I hope that all of that was worth it"

Y/N: "Most fun ive had since I got here, the information is a bit cryptic so try and get someone to make sense if it, also send doc in to check on our guest, if the information is false or inconclusive then im going to have with him"

Six: "Ok, what is his condition?"

Y/N: "Mentally and physically scarred, missing both legs and his right hand."

Six looked at him in shock

Y/N gathered all his gear from the infirmary, he had blood on the front on his clothes, as he walked past operators to get to his dorm they just looked in shock.

He got back to his room, he showed and washed his clothes.

Over the next few days no one sat with Y/N or tried to talk to him, he didn't care, but the others were a bit scared mostly because, they didn't see much before he cut the footage and they heard screams for 6 hours straight, also the face they haven't seen the terrorist since made them uncomfortable.

Back in the infirmary Doc was tending to the terrorist.

The terrorist struggled to speak: "P-ple-please kill me" he desperately looked at doc

Doc: "Im sorry you had to endure this, but I have orders to keep you alive"

The terrorist just started to cry until he couldn't cry anymore...

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