Who dares wins

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Y/N had been going through the SAS selection/training. He had made it to the final stage.

Timeskip a few years later

Y/N was now a Lieutenant in the SAS, Anna stayed behind in the Royal Marines.

Y/N now had 193 confirmed kills and all of his missions were successful.

Despite this, he still liked to remain alone and in the shadows, he had barely talked to anyone since he first got into the SAS.


I was sitting in my dorm twirling my knife and looking at a picture of me and Anna when we were in the Royal Marines, I missed her so much.

Recently I had been having nightmares about everything I have done, going back to the village when I was 23, and gutting talibans up to now where I punched a terrorist so hard in the chest it caved in his rib cage. I looked down at my wrist and saw the scars from when I cut myself. I was covered in scars from my time in the army.

I just missed Anna so much, she was the only person I liked and would talk too on a regular basis. But now she was no longer with me, I was always just alone.

For the next few hours Y/N was just looking at the picture, twirling his knife with one hand and clutching his Victoria Cross in the other.

Timeskip 1 week

Y/N was put on an assignment by himself, he was to gather intel at a building where a few other SAS units were deployed, little did they know they were a mere distraction.


I heard there helicopter come in and as soon as they were on the ground and in the building I made my way into the consulate, I briefly heard their names, Michael, Harper and Mark, it seemed like I had met Mark before, I don't know when though.

I heard explosions and screams coming from the garage, I hastily made my way to the server room and avoided everyone, I downloaded the info and ran upstairs, I saw one of the soldiers getting the shit kicked out if him, I wasn't allowed to help, not that I wanted to, and used that as a distraction to get to the extraction point.

When I returned I noticed a lot of new people walking around, I could see from their patches they were from ctu's across the world, I proceeded to my CO's office to drop off the data, I had my face exposed, as I walked by the other ctu troops they quickly glanced at a file then back at me then spoke into a radio. I dismissed that.

Timeskip 1 hour


I was in my dorm going about my usual business, the I just sat down, twirled my knife, clenched my medal and looked at my picture, reminiscing about mine and Anna's time together. I swear I heard someone in the marines saying something like she loved me or something, but I just dismissed if.

I heard a knock at my door, I opened it and an African American woman stood before me and behind her stood two men in black combat gear.


Way to end this chapter

I was gonna make this one a depressing one but im gonna wait until a bit later till I make the depressing chapter

author out

Rainbow six siege: SAS male readerWhere stories live. Discover now