The Fight

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Mute PoV

You know, in all the time i've known Nimrod and seen him in action, i've never seen him in a proper hand to hand fight. Well a fight like a boxing match, not him breaking Lions jaw or knocking Jäger out.

Mark: "Hey Ela"

Ela: "Yea?"

Mark: "Have you ever seen Nimrod in like a proper fight, like in a ring?"

Ela: "Hmm...nope"

Mark: "It's funny you know, he is very skilled and has broken Lions jaw and knocked Jäger out, but he has never been in a proper fight"

Ela laughed: "Yea I guess...But he'd never be able to beat you" She smiled at me.

Mark: "Maybe...but in all honesty, I don't know what his full capabilities are"

Ela: "You brits get into a lot of fights don't you?"

Mark: "Well if someone like Thatcher or Sledge got pissed then yea."

Ela: "Well use your big brain to find out how well he fights"


I was in the gym working on the punching bag, I was throwing punched and kicks. After about 10 minutes I threw a right hook which caused the bag to split and the chain holding it up broke.

Y/N: "For fucks sake"

I looked at my hands, my knuckles were bleeding. Shit, I need to patch that up.

I was about to leave but then I heard a familiar voice...Mark...

Mark: "Hey Nimrod"

Y/N: "Yes..."

Mark: "I was wondering, I've never seen you in a proper fight or anything like that. Me and Ela were talking, what are your...capabilities"

Y/N: "Only way you can find that out is in a fight..."

Mark: " you mea-"

Y/N: "The only way anyone will find out my 'capabilities' is if they fight me, but it would seem everyone is too scared, well except Mike, Seamus and James"

And with that I left towards my dorm to put some bandages on my hands.

When I got back I was greeted by Anna kissing me.

Anna: "How was it at the gym?"

Y/N: "Broke another punching bag, and my knuckles are bleeding"

Anna: "I'll get the bandages"

Anna went off to get some bandages and returned, she started to wrap them around my hands.

Y/N: "I've been thinking, I might do a sparring match with someone as I haven't done one in years"

Anna: "Any ideas who against?"

Y/N: "Well maybe Seamus or James..."

Anna: "You are still not in perfect condition...What about Mark?"

Y/N: "Mark...really?"

Anna: "Yea, it doesn't seem like he has much experience fighting, maybe he could learn from a sparring match"

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