Nimrod in deep shit

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For a while I was thinking how it was possible for him to find out about what I have done in the army, then a thought clicked into my mind: "Six" from what I have heard she can get hold of almost anything. Also when someone joins Rainbow the recruits file is available to all of the operators.

Suddenly I realised what had happened, Six got the file about all of my actions, operations, pretty much my entire past in the army.

Timeskip 20 minutes

I managed to get one of the files that everyone had access to, and indeed it did have everything I have done, but it didn't show my last name, age, date of birth, parents, thank god those details were still classified.

Y/N was looking over his file and all of the operators files, he came across Mark "Mute" Chandar's file, he recognised the name from somewhere, when he got to the part about his history in the armed forces he saw something that made him remember who he was.

It said he took part in an operation to besiege an enemy fortified position, he used a bazooka to make a hole in the wall to allow access for friendly troops, it also said that royal marines were involved: Sergeant Anna Rose and Sergeant Y/N [REDACTED] who was leading the attack.

Y/N smiled to himself: "bloody hell its him, also thank god they didn't show my full name"

Before I could read anymore files I heard an angry Six on the intercom: "Will operator Nimrod come to my office now"

Y/N walked into Six's office.

Six: "What the fuck are you playing at Lieutenant! You broke an operators jaw!"

Y/N remained silent

Six: "So why did you do it?"

Y/N: "It seems someone gave everyone access to my entire past in the military, even the parts where I get very violent
with my enemies, and that information is highly classified for a reason. And some people don't, lets say agree with my actions, and I don't agree with them."

Six sighed: "So what exactly happened?"

Y/N: "Well I was sitting by myself as I usually do, I like it that way, I was enjoying my food and my tea, but some asshole walked up to me called me a monster, and that person had nothing to say after I had dealt with them" he chuckled slightly.

Six: "Just get out of my office."

Y/N: "Before I go, how many people have seen my file?"

Six: "Lion, who now has a broken jaw, and Thatcher."

Y/N: "Make sure that no one else sees it, make sure what was classified stays classified, for everyone's sake."

Y/N walked out of the door he looked to his right to see lion with bandaged around his head, Y/N stared at him and Lion quickly started going backwards and ran off.

Y/N: "Bloody typical, especially for a frog."

He went back to his dorm and continued to read everyones files.

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