Victoria Cross

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Just a little part about how Y/N got his Vic cross

Anna PoV

I was waiting for Y/N in his room as he said I could wait there, I was looking around and I saw a medal, on further inspection it was a victoria cross.

Y/N walked in and saw me holding the medal, I looked at him and asked: "When did you get this?"

Y/N: "A while back, got it for saving a bunch of people, you included, if you remember I was carrying injured on my shoulders while under heavy fire. So they decided to give me a victoria cross, I didn't really care about it.

Anna: "Wait you don't care that you were awarded this?" I asked in shock

Y/N: "Not really, I was just doing my job."



Me and about 20 other soldiers went out for out patrol when suddenly we were fired upon by enemy machine guns, we had barely made it half a mile out of the base, within a few minutes about half of our troops were injured. Without thinking twice I went and picked one up and ran back to the base, dropped them off and went back and kept doing that until there were no more wounded to carry, the rest of our troops managed to get back to the base safely, then a week later I was awarded the Victoria cross.

Flashback end

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