An unexpected series of events

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The woman introduced herself: "My name is Six and we have been observing you for a few years now. I have a proposition."

Y/N and Six sat down

Six: "I am in charge of team Rainbow, an elite team of specialists to counter the white mask threat w-"

Six was cut off by Y/N

Y/N: "I see where this is going, you want me to join your merry band of cunts..."

Six: "Was that an insult to my team?"

Y/N chuckled: "Well if you look at my file and listen to my accent you will find out im from the North East, cunt is another way of me saying people."

Six sighed: "So the question is, do you want to join us?"

Y/N: "Nah im fine."

Six: "Do you realise the opportunity you are pa-"

Y/N cut her off: "You and your bodyguards, just piss off."

Six got up and was about to leave but said: "We will be back for you eventually." Then she left.

Y/N just sat back in his chair and proceeded to what he was doing earlier.

Timeskip 32 minutes

Y/N got up and went to the cafeteria to get his lunch.

He was eating his lunch and enjoying his cup of tea until he heard someone over the comms telling everyone to gather into the cafeteria.

Within a few minutes everyone had gathered in the cafeteria. Someone started to talk over the microphone.

Y/N didn't pay attention until he heard something about someone leaving for team Rainbow.

Then someone else started to speak, Y/N thought that he had heard him before, the voice was familiar, almost as if they had met somewhere before.

Y/N saw all of the non SAS people leave accompanied by Six and the person who was selected to join, why he was wearing a ski mask confused Y/N but he just shrugged it off.

Timeskip a couple of days

Y/N had been sent on another solo op.

He was told to locate and rescue a hvt, he was told to get in and out without being detected, not a hard task for him.

Y/N climbed into the helicopter, for the flight he was observing blueprints of the building and was making plans.

Timeskip 3 hours

the helicopter touched down roughly a mile away from the building to hide his approach.

When he made his way to the building he snuck in through on of the windows. He saw a lone hostile wearing a white mask, Y/N snuck up behind him and quietly disposed of him with his knife, Y/N hid the body.

As Y/N went around the building he was killing more and more hostiles, within about 20 minutes he has cleared most of the hostiles, there were only about 3 guarding the hostage, he took out his silenced p226 and dropped the 3 hostiles swiftly with headshots, just as he walked over to free the hostage he felt something hit his head and he fell unconscious.

Timeskip 2 hours

Y/N woke up in a room sitting in a chair with his hands tied.

He looked around and spotted someone wearing all black walk over to him.

???: "Look who is finally awake"

The mysterious man made a grave mistake as he got up close and personal to Y/N, when he got close enough Y/N head butted him and knocked him out.

Y/N proceeded to get out of his binds, this took him a minute.

He grabbed a pistol from the unconscious man.

He tried to figure out where he was and how he would escape. Just as he was thinking, the door opened, the person looked at Y/N, their eyes widened and they said "Shit." as Y/N aimed at them and shot them in the head.

Y/N walked out of the door and was trying to find his way out of this place. He encountered a group of 3 hostiles they spotted him, he managed to kill one of them but the others rushed him and knocked the gun out of his hands. Y/N then engaged in hand to hand combat, he managed to knock out the first one with a single punch, but the other was able to block his punches, they went to kick Y/N in the side but Y/N caught it, punched them then got them in a headlock, he held on with an iron grip until the enemy went limp.

He managed to render 4 more hostiles unconscious. The last hostile saw him and started to run away, but Y/N ran after them and tackled them to the ground, he proceeded to pick them up and threw them into a wall, suddenly bright lights came on and he heard someone familiar say: "Simulation over, well done Y/N."

Rainbow six siege: SAS male readerWhere stories live. Discover now