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A few days after Ladies night

Nimrod was doing his best to recover after everything that happened, he was never able to beat Tachanka or Sledge in a weights competition and he certainly couldn't even come close in this condition.

He was stuck with dumbbells and some cardio.

He wasn't too pleased but he knew he had to start somewhere. Anna wasn't too pleased he was pushing himself like this, he was still recovering from one or two injuries.

But due to his injuries Six suspended him from any missions until Doc said he was ok for combat, so Y/N had a lot of free time on his hands, most of this free time would be spent recovering.

After ladies night Ash couldn't get the images of Y/N's scars out of her head, IQ fantasised about him while she was drunk and Twitch felt a bit guilty for asking about his past which was obviously a delicate subject.

Thatcher was happy that Y/N was alive after everyone thought he was dead. But the only interactions they really had was talking in the cafeteria the british way (over a cup of tea).

Anna was supervising Y/N in the gym just in case he injured himself further.

Anna PoV

Y/N had been going in the gym for about half an hour before he needed to take a break.

Anna: "Looks like someone is tired"

Y/N: "You can say that again, my legs are about to collapse"

Anna: "Cmon lets get you back, and get a shower you stink" I let out a small laugh after I said that.

Y/N: "Well this certainly beats our base in Afghanistan, I wish we didn't have to leave Bastion, it had a burger king, pizza hut and a costa"

Anna: "You can say that again, I wish we had a costa in our forward operating base."

Y/N: "Well at least in the marines we weren't always stationed in a dusty and hot base in the middle of nowhere"

Anna: "Yea, the royal marines were good, but the SAS are better"

Y/N smiled: "Indeed"

We walked back to the room and Y/N had a shower. I guess he would mostly be doing this until he is fully recovered and ready for missions. He seems like he is trying to beat another SAS member on who can lift more, Y/N is getting close but still can't beat the other guy. Its cute he keeps trying though.

After he had had a shower and had eaten he had to get examined by the doctor to check on his current condition.

Timeskip 1 hour


After what seemed like an eternity the examination was over. I still needed a while to recover. My ribs were almost fully healed, my concussion was gone so I should be fine soon.

Anna was waiting outside on her phone before she noticed me walk out.

Anna: "So how did that go?"

Y/N: "I just need a few weeks to recover then I should be ok to do missions again"

Anna: "So what are you planning to do with your time off?"

Y/N: "No fucking clue"

Anna: "You will think of something, well we could organise a party of something. Or you could go see your old man?"

Y/N: "Well you could organise one, but I don't really want to see my Dad"

Anna: "Why, he hasn't seen you in ages"

Y/N: "I don't know, I just don't want to"

Timeskip 1 hour

Thatcher PoV

I was sitting in the cafeteria with sledge and smoke eating lunch.

Smoke: "So how the hell did Nimrod survive that?"

Thatcher: "No fookin clue mate, all I know is he is like a tank"

Sledge: "Still, are you sure he got hit by two .50's? No one can survive that even if it missed anything vital, he could have been hit by something smaller, like a 7.62 or a 5.56"

Thatcher: "Whatever happened he is alive, also he makes amazing cups of tea so lets be grateful for that aswell"

Smoke: "True that"

Sledge: "Yea. Also have you noticed that Mark doesn't hang around us as often?"

Thatcher: "He has something you will never have, a stable relationship"

Sledge: "Fuck off"

Thatcher: "An angry scotsman lets see where this goes"

Smoke and I shared a laugh while sledge was fookin angry as shit.

Nimrod then appeared just before things got too hectic.

Y/N: "Whoa there Seamus, don't tell me you want independence again?"

Sledge: "Har har, fuck you too you mackum bastard"

Y/N: "Sunderland till I die mate, anyway im going to make some tea, any of you cunts want a cuppa?"

We all said yes.

For the next hour we just talked and made jokes about one another, Nimrod had really changed, it was almost he was like a different person. It must be his lass.

Timeskip 2 hours


Me and Anna were just chilling on the sofa watching the original star wars trilogy, I liked the empire more and she liked the rebels. In return of the jedi I cheered when an ewok died which earned me a harsh look or comment from Anna.

For the rest of the night we just enjoyed movies and each others company, after about 6 movies we went to bed, god knows what we will do tomorrow.

Well gotta say ive been lazy writing this chapter, I had the whole of the weekend to write it but ended up playing on an oculus rift and my xbox. But at least this chapter is done.

Rainbow six siege: SAS male readerWhere stories live. Discover now