Death on two legs

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Time 4:00 AM

Nimrod and Anna were woken up by their alarm.

Nimrod: "Ill meet you in the armoury"

Anna yawned: "Ok, see you there Y/N"

Nimrod walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He looked at himself in the mirror. He has changed a lot, not just physically. He had become a better person, it seems that Anna had changed him for the better. Where there was once a frown, there was a smile.

Nimrod stepped into the shower. He only thought about his upcoming mission. The Ghosts would be helping out this time. But the mission was still dangerous.

After 10 minutes Nimrod got out of the shower, then shaved. He then got dressed in his SAS uniform and proceeded to the armoury.

Anna was waiting for him there. She greeted Nimrod with a hug and kiss.

Anna: "You excited for the mission?"

Nimrod: "Yea, but its a very risky mission"

Anna: "We just need to kill a few white masks and rescue some hostages, its routine babe"

Nimrod: "But its a few of infiltrating a white mask stronghold. Even though we have skill they have numbers"

Anna: "You aren't yourself. Where has the brave and fearless Nimrod I know and love gone?"

Nimrod: "To be honest for the first time in awhile, i'm scared"

Before Anna could reply Thatcher walked in with a cup of tea in hand.

Thatcher: "Morning"

Anna: "Morning Mike"

Nimrod stood up, got his gear and started to put on his combat gear (knee pads, tactical vests/belts etc)

Nimrod picked up his knife in its sheath, he unsheathed it and started to sharpen and polish it.

Nimrod: "You never know when you will need a knife"

He put it back in its sheath and onto his belt after finishing sharpening and polishing it.

Thatcher: "Mark and Ela should be here soon"

As if on queue they both walked in.

Mute: "Hi guys"

Nimrod: "Morning"

Anna: "We have about an hour to get ready"

Mute: "Anyone know about this so called 'Ghost Squad'?"

Nimrod stood up and sternly said: "I did my research, in short don't fuck with them. They took out an entire drug cartel by themselves. I couldn't gain access to any other files sadly"

Mute: "Okay...noted..."

Thatcher: "This mission should be fun, especially with these new cunts"

Intercom: "Operators Thatcher, Mute, Ela, Nimrod and Semiramis, your mission has been delayed two days"

A/N: Anna's Operator name is Semiramis, if you get it then tell me :)

Nimrod: "FUCK!"

He punched his locker leaving a dent, he threw his gas mask to the ground and stormed out.

Mark: "Did he just dent his locker?"

Mark tried to dent his locker but only hurt his hand.

Mark: "Fuck that hurts"

Ela: "Babe why did you do that?"

Anna: "Im going to find Y/N"

Thatcher: "Why is he so mad about this?"

Rainbow six siege: SAS male readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum