Operation Saving grace part 2

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The team had got onto a plane where they would perform a HALO jump.

Y/N and Anna sat next to each other on the plane, Anna fell asleep hugging Y/N and Y/N put his arm around her for the duration of the flight.


I looked at the other members of the team, they looked like they were shitting themselves. I was listening to my playlist, it included "depressing songs" like hurt by johnny cash, but it also included Rule Britannia, Land of Hope and glory, God save the queen and chariots of fire.

Anna was so adorable when she was sleeping, but my mind was focused on the mission, I hoped we experienced no casualties but as we are going to Russia we will probably have losses.

Timeskip 2 hours


We had almost reached the drop zone so I woke Anna up.

Anna groaned: "Five more minutes"

Y/N: "We are 10 mikes out you better get up now"

Anna: "Ughhh, fine"

Everyone was ready and waiting for the green light, when we saw it everyone jumped out. In a few minutes of free fall we had got to the altitude to open our chutes.

When we touched down we quickly stowed our chutes to avoid any unwanted attention.

Y/N: "So what's the plan?"

Anna: "Our informant is being held in that building over there" She pointed to a building in the distance

I got out my rangefinder

Y/N: "3 miles out"

Anna: "Lets get a move on and we will discuss the rest of the plan when we are 1 mile out.

Timeskip 1 hour

The team were 1 mile out from the building so they discussed the plan.

Thatcher: "So who are we fighting?"

Anna: "Just some militia fighters we have been dealing with recently. We will breach from the roof and make our way down taking out all hostiles and getting our informant out, then we will proceed to an extraction point 1 klick to the North."

Y/N: "I can clear that building in 3 minutes max, why don't you just send me in alone?"

Anna: "No, we work as a team"

Y/N: "Fine, but I will be going at my own pace"

Anna sighed

One of the soldiers asked Anna: "Sarge who even are those two?"

Anna: "They are Thatcher and Nimrod from team rainbow"

The soldiers eyes widened: "Really?"

Y/N: "Affirmative"

Anna: "Alright lets get a move on"

Timeskip 20 minutes

The team had got to the building and were on the roof.

Anna: "Breach in 3...2...1 BREACH!"

Everyone set off their breach charges

Y/N rushed through the base ahead of everyone, within 3 minutes he was at the bottom of the building with the informant.

He then talked into the radio: "All hostiles down, Informant is secure"

Anna: "Good work, but next time leave some for us"

As they were walking to the extraction point Anna and Y/N were walking about 10 meters behind the rest of the team so they could talk "privately"

Anna: "So when are you free, I wouldn't mind going out again"

Y/N: "I don't know ill have to check with Six, we pretty much can be put on a mission anytime so ill have to arrange something, but yea id like to go out somewhere again, maybe id be able to play my guitar again"

Anna: "You play guitar?"

Y/N: "Since I was 14"

In 10 minutes they had made it to the extraction point where they got on a helicopter, Y/N was standing on the open ramp while it was taking off.

Anna tapped him on the shoulder

Anna: "Mission successful, no casualties or injured on our side"

Y/N: "Thats goo-"

A loud bang could be heard from the distance, Y/N felt his chest burn, he had been shot by a sniper, blood sprayed from his chest onto Anna

Anna: "Y/N? Y/N!"

Heavy gunfire erupted and it was aimed at the helicopter, Anna couldn't get to Y/N due to the gunfire.

Another sniper round hit Y/N, he looked at Anna and said in a weak voice: "Typical"

Anna watched helplessly as Y/N's body fell backwards off the ramp.

Anna started to cry and shout: "NO! NO! NO! FUCK!!"

To be continued...

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