Operation Saving grace part 1

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2 days after the Pub

Y/N had been receiving text after text from Anna, he didn't want to say anything to her about it, but he just wanted her to stop texting so much.

Text messages

Anna: "Heyy babe"

Y/N: "Hi"

Anna: "How you doing?"

Y/N: "Trying to sleep"

Anna: "Alright then, goodnight"


It was like a miracle she had actually stopped texting and I could sleep.

I bet Mike has it easier, at least he can be with his partner on a regular basis, I will have to get permission to leave for the day.

Timeskip 8 hours
Time: 07:00 AM

Y/N had woken up and was getting a shower, he saw he was bleeding from his chest.

(Thoughts will be in italics)

Y/N: "Shit, one of my cuts must has reopened"

Y/N got out of the shower, dried himself off and went to the cabinet to get a bandage and patched up his cut.

After Y/N finished in the bathroom and got dressed he went to the gym. It was early in the morning so there wasn't anyone else there, straight away he went over to the weight bench.

He added a 50 pound weight to each side, after a few minutes he added another 50 pound weight to each side and continued until he got to 150 pounds on each side.

He went through the rest of his routine, after about an hour he moved onto the punching bags.

In less than 10 minutes he had already destroyed 2.

Timeskip 1 hour

Y/N had another shower and was now getting his breakfast accompanied with a cup of tea.

He had finished his breakfast and was about to start drinking his tea but before he could take a sip Six spoke over the intercom

Six: "Operators Thatcher and Nimrod report to the briefing room"

Y/N sighed, picked up his tea and walked over to the briefing room.

When he got there he saw that Thatcher also had a cup of tea.

Six: "The SAS are doing are being sent out to Russia to rescue an informant, the team leader has requested that you two join the op, you have 2 hours till you set off, good luck"

Y/N and Thatcher went to get their gear, they suited up and met in the armoury.

Thatcher: "Wonder why they need us"

Y/N: "..."

Thatcher: "You ok mate?"

Y/N: "Anna was texting me so much last night, barley got any sleep"

Thatcher: "Ha, seems your lass really likes texting"

Y/N: "Yea I guess"

Timeskip 5 hours

Y/N had slept the entire way there.

He was woken up by Thatcher when they landed.

When they walked out they were greeted by the team they would be working with.

The team leader stepped forward

???: "Y/N glad you could make it" the woman said in an energetic voice.

Y/N groggily looked at her, it was Anna

Y/N said in a groggy voice: "So you wanted us to come with you?"

Anna: "Well as im leading this mission I want people I trust to come along"

Y/N: "One more thing, I know we are together, but please don't text me so much...Im only human, I need sleep"

Anna grinned: "Ok then, also can I have a private word with you"

Thatcher whispered to Y/N: "Good luck"

When Y/N and Anna were out of sight Anna hugged and kissed Y/N, Y/N also hugged her and gave her a small kiss.

Y/N: "Im not the most emotional person in the world if you recall"

Anna: "Aww, I forgot you were Mr. Tough"

Y/N: "Har har, now is there anything else you wanted?"

Anna: "Nah, just wanted to hug and kiss you, its not like we will be able to do it much as we aren't stationed at the same place, also you better stay safe on this mission"

Y/N: "Anna...have you forgot everything ive been through, all the times ive saved your ass so many times, ill be fine"

Anna: "Well you better save my ass, its one of my best features" she said in a joking manner "Anyway, I dont want anymore scars, that one from that sniper has meant I cant wear a bikini anymore, all everyone sees is that bullet wound"

Y/N: "Ive got scars everywhere, I can still go shirtless without giving a shit"

Anna: "Well you're you and im me"

Y/N: "Anyway should we get going"

Anna hugged Y/N: "Ok"

To be continued...

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